{3} An Excellent Lunch

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(Kazuha POV)

After sitting down at the long table opposite Gorou, we patiently waited for Kokomi to arrive. What did the general call her, 'Her Excellency'?

It was quite awkward actually, Gorou seemed quite embarrassed after the situation in the reception of the shrine, so maybe talking could help him feel better.

'So, how's it like here on Watatsumi Island?' I look up at him across the table, his face was still a deep shade of red.

'O-oh uhm, well it's quite nice actually, the soldiers are always friendly and they very regularly will talk to you if they see you!' He already looks more at ease, his face is so...

'Oh, and the weathers actually great too, when it's sunny and warm I love to go out and pick Sango Pearls, they make great necklaces you know. Actually, a pearl necklace would look beautiful on you, though, you don't really need one to look c-'

'W-what did you say-?' I stuttered, and felt blood rush to my cheeks, well thats sure not what I expected.

'Oh, oh my god no I- Agh!' He looked like he was getting himself flustered over such a small thing, what if I tease him a bit more..

'It's fine, It's fine!' I smirked slightly, and leaned closer to him. 'Do you still think I look cute from this angle?'

Somehow, Gorou's face went an even deeper shade of red and he shook his head as he buried his face in his top.

I looked up when I heard someone enter the room.

'Ah! Sorry I'm late everyone, I was deep in a strategic novel and didn't notice the time.' Kokomi smiled at me before laying her eyes on Gorou.

'General.. are you okay there, you look a little red.' She asked curiously, before noticing what he was wearing. 'Oh my Archons your wearing it!' Her face lit up in a squeal of a delight as Gorou sunk yet further into his seat. 'I told you it'd look beautiful on you, oh wow you look amazing!'

She looked back at me, then set down with us.


After we had all settled down and collected ourselves, Kokomi brought some of her staff in to serve us food. The food was delicous! My plate was piled high with many foods I'd never even seen before.

'So, My Excellency, may I ask why were here?' Gorou put his cutlery down and asked inquisitively. 'It was on my calendar but we have our new member here too, why is that?'

Kokomi giggled slightly, it seemed out of character from the expressions she showed during yesterday's meeting. 'Well, I thought it'd be nice if we got to know eachother! It's sad our friend, the captain of The Crux can't join us, but if we're going to be working together from now on, we should know stuff about eachother!'

'Get to know eachother..? Alright then.. Kazuha.. uh.. when's your birthday?'

Hmm.. seems the general isn't exactly.. adept.. at socialising, well then.

'Oh, my Birthday is October 29th. Now, my turn. What's your favourite food?'

Gorou's eyes almost immediatley lit up like stars, he looked like he was about to start drooling over some imaginary food. Why would Kokomi hire such a pretty general?

Wait what did I just think?

'Oh! Oh! I know this one! I know this one! Desserts! Doesn't matter what type of dessert. Any dessert. All desserts, cake, I like cake!' Words started tumbling out of his mouth and Kokomi was surpressing a laugh. 'VANILLA CAKE. LOTS OF FROSTING. Dango too!'

He looked over at me and Kokomi trying not to laugh at him.

'O-oh sorry I went off on a bit of a tangent there..' His ears drooped as his expression changed. Oh how badly I want to pet his fluffy ears, I bet they're so comfy and like a million feather pillows! They're just so cute, oh and his tail dropping to the floor-


'Anyone home?' I was startled from my thoughts as Gorou was looking at me confused, oh not again, he probably thinks... ah forget it.


'Well then, that was a great meal, thank you for coming you two.' Kokomi stood up from her chair as people gathered around us, taking our dishes and making sure the food was to our liking. 'Kazuha you should go find where Beidou is at the crux, we have a meeting in an hour so I'll see you there.'

'Thank you for the wonderful meal, Kokomi. And thanks for accompanying us too, Gorou!' I walked towards the door and swear I saw the other two laughing and talking between eachother, Gorou looked very flustered.

After walking out of the shrine, the wind on my skin was like a refreshing reminder of the outside, this place really was beautiful. The path back to the Crux might be long but at least I could keep in my thoughts, and the wind whistling through the leaves was music to my ears.

My Fluffy-Eared General [Gorou x Kazuha]Where stories live. Discover now