~part 1~ others

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Everything was dark. Nothing was to be seen, so what was this world? All she felt was her own presence. Her consciousness inhabited something, but she didn't know exactly what.

She opened her eyes slowly, taking the time to examine her form. Her hands were made of smooth wood, with steel bolts holding the parts in place. Her fingers were fashioned of scrap metal, posable thanks to smaller bolts. Her body was made of burlap and pale green fabric. On her left shoulder, the letter "X" was hand painted onto her cloth in black ink. X's feet were fashioned out of wood and scrap metal, attached with copper wire. Her chest was closed with a large, tortoiseshell button. The land around her was distorted. The dusty sky loomed over the dead world, littered with rubble and remnants of another species. Amidst the concrete and junk was the occasional dead body. In the back of her mind, X knew this form was human. Strangely, the bodies scattered about were not decaying. She shuddered, but continued to explore. On the outer walls of one particularly large building, she saw a strange symbol with 3 prongs sprouting from the top of it. On other walls, there were posters that seemed to be in retaliation to something. One had a figure that radiated dominance and authority, but the picture had been defaced. Another depicted a fist emerging from the ground, different sorts of machinery in hand. Over the top, it read "REVOLT!" Too busy taking in the atmosphere, X didn't notice the two strange living beings similar to her. One of them was fashioned almost entirely of burlap, with arms made of a plastic-like material, and a vest made of shoe leather, tied shut with a tight bow. On the top of its head there was a hat topped with a candle, and its eyes were made of brass. Next to it was a slightly taller one, made entirely of burlap with a gold zipper fastening it shut. On its back was the number 9, in black ink. X retreated into an empty can and listened closely to what the two were saying. It seemed as if 9 couldn't speak, and the elder one was examining it.

"Yes... I always hoped..."

The elder gazed over 9's hand, studying it closely.

"Carved wood, molded copper..."

9 glanced over the elder's shoulder, looking for a number. It found "2," also painted on in black ink. 9 tried to speak, but nothing came out. 2 noticed this.

"You can't speak."

2 tapped 9's zipper, signaling for him to open his chest. 9 did so, and 2 smiled, finding that he could help with this. X observed him rummage around inside a broken doll, finding a strange looking contraption. He turned around to see 9 with a large gleaming object.

"No! Stop!"

He carefully pulled the thing away from 9, setting it down someplace else.

"Some things in this world are better left where they lie."

2 placed the odd contraption inside of 9's open chest, carefully adjusting it. X leaned in closer to observe what he was doing. As 2 adjusted this device, 9 tried to speak. At first, all she heard was static, but soon 9's voice became clear.


9 was beaming, happy with his new voice.

"Are... are we alone?"

2 shook his head.

"No, there are others." He said reassuringly.

X felt a great deal of excitement about this. Her chest seemed to flutter, and she curiously peered out of a small tear in the can. 9 seemed to feel the same way. He looked eager to meet these "others" that 2 spoke of. Suddenly, a peculiar green glow radiated from 9's torso, startling him a bit and causing him to remove a very strange object from inside his chest. 2 reacted almost immediately, drawing in his breath in astonishment.

"Yes, he's always drawing this!"

All of a sudden, a low growl shook the land. 2 froze, and then pushed 9 aside. He turned to him and whispered harshly.

"Go, get in the can!"

9 said nothing, but did as he was told. He didn't notice X was there until he heard her fearful breathing.

"Which one are you?"

X looked down at the variable painted on her arm.

"I'm X."

"You've been watching us?"

"I'm sorry, okay? I was just curious."

The two ceased conversation and watched the scene outside of the can. They both gasped. It was a giant, feline monster, constructed from scrap metal and the skull of an animal. Sharp objects lined its back, and one of its mechanical eyes glowed a hostile red. X recoiled in fear as the beast roared. 2 grabbed for a makeshift spear, but the large feline's sharp, metal, paw knocked him aside like an old toy. Without his spear, 2 was pretty much helpless. 9 and X looked on in horror as 2 was held down under the monster's claws. With the strange object on the ground, the monstrous creature took a liking to it. It picked it up and observed it curiously. Meanwhile, 9 and X were shaking. Despite their constant efforts not to bring attention to their hiding place, the beast was attracted to the small movements of the can. Placing the object in a small cavity within its chest, it creeped closer. The creature's giant claw dealt a heavy blow into the can, moving a single finger around in search of 9 and X. Missing the two of them by a whisker, it threw the can aside, tearing 9's shoulder open. X peered outside of the destroyed piece of scrap metal, spying 2 on the ground near the beast. He struggled to stay strong, but tried nonetheless.

"Why don't you finish what you started... with me."

Meanwhile, 9 was finding it harder and harder to stand up. The last they saw of 2 was the beast carrying his body in its jaws. He reached out to them as he was taken away into the distance.

9 fell to the ground, barely conscious.


X felt helpless. There was nothing she could do.

Meanwhile, a large spyglass had come across something strange out in the emptiness. There couldn't have been more, could there?

He squinted. Yes! There were others out there! However, they were clearly in trouble.

He had to go after them.

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