s. ᴍᴇʀᴄᴇᴅᴇs

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b a s i c s ::

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b a s i c s ::

| name | age              | dob
sylvain mercedes      ༒ twenty - five      ༒ august 27 , 1409

| sexuality                        | occupation
༒ closeted bisexual       ༒ knight/royal guard


p h y s i c a l ::

| height | physique | hair
༒ 6'4 ༒ muscular ༒ short dark brown hair

| eyes
༒ tapering - eyelid crease, dark brown with subtle hues of honey

| summary
༒ sylvain is a man whose features are not entirely sharp or soft, often times switching between the two depending on his emotions; his eyes are a narrow almond - shape but they seem to soften and round in a joyful mood — framed by dark eyebrows — and his eyelashes are thick but short. his jaw is sharp but the slope of his nose is a gentle curve. his hair is cropped near his ears and neck but gets thicker further up. the brown crown of his head is so dark that it looks black when wet. sylvain most commonly lets it be however it dries or he will slick it back. his jaw is a strong square - like shape that constantly has a healing scab somewhere from foul play. sylvain's lips naturally curl up cheekily at the corners no matter how hard he tries for them not to, a gentle plumpness is apparent on his lips. he is rather tall and most definitely has muscle — not necessarily ' ripped ' but toned — from endless hours of training. scars are scattered everywhere on his body from battles and purple bruises ache at his sides so bandages are almost always clung to his body.

| attire
༒ like all knights, clunky metal armor and heavy chainmail dons his entire body, heaving a sword tied to his hips by either a leather sheath during training and day-to-day wear or a metal one during actual battles. a helmet is typically hugging his head — often times messing up his hair — or coddled between sylvain's arm and torso when in casual settings; a low bevor is held against his throat that makes him appear just a tad bit broader than he really is. vambraces are strapped to his arms and the metal curves up past his elbow, just ending at the start of his upper arm with a piece of metal jutting out near his elbows and twinning pauldrons are perched upon his shoulders which covers the rest of the arm that the vambraces could not. an old cuirass he had adopted from his father and forged to fit himself proudly safeguards his chest. below, cuissses are tied to fit his thighs and at the knee an extra piece of metal flares out to protect his exposed skin for additional protection; mail chausses grace down his legs underneath all the armor and chausses glisten on his feet. on the rare occasion that he does not wear his equipment he'd be dressed rather plainly in white cotton shirts and hose or trousers.


p e r s o n a ::

| summary
༒ despite appearing cold, sylvain's a gentle and calm soul that craves stability in all forms. he's rather independent and refuses to ask for help even if it's vital since growing up his father enforced the mindset that weakness comes from relying on others. a bit stuck - up in a sense and sometimes comes off blunt from a lack of filter. love has always been an avoided topic to him since previous partners couldn't bear to be with him due to his disappearances to go into wars; they never last long but he can't blame them so he instinctively decided to close himself off in an attempt to stop hurting him or others. he's definitely a carer and strives to be the foundations of relationships and picks up other jobs aside from battling such as bounty hunting and such to please the one he sticks to. his mannerisms are overly polite and perfect. conversations never flourish with him at first as he can be quite dry and bitter in a sense that he doesn't even want the encounters to go much farther.

| likes + dislikes
༒ likes : writing letters, novels, battling / working, nature, horses
༒ dislikes : commitment, settlement, snakes

| habits
༒ scab - picking, drinking, pressing on his bruises


e x t r a ::

| background
༒ sylvain was born as the second youngest child in the mercedes household into a low - class environment: his father was a knight for royals and underpaid, forcing himself to learn how to sew for work and to hammer out his own armor. though it was looked down upon, his mother worked as well as a seamstress and even bed warming at times just for some extra gold. of course he loved his parents but he despised the situation in which he was born into. his father had guided him in melee training from as far ago he could remember and when he was of age was sworn into knighthood at the ripe age of fourteen. it's the only thing he's ever known since and was praised amongst nobles and royalty though never actually getting anything in return for his loyalty and skill. it didn't bother him much, just happy to be of use.

| extra
༒ he is a rank two knight commander
༒ sylvain finds it hard to settle down with someone due to his past relationships but he adores the idea of giving someone all his love and devote himself to them
༒ strongly closeted to himself but has had brief interactions with other men
༒ admittedly he is a bit frugal but he isn't ashamed of it


oc model ::
johnny suh

preferred role play genres ::
angst (!), slow - burn (!), romance (!), thriller, fantasy

active role plays ::

available to make non - multi? ::

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