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b a s i c s ::

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b a s i c s ::

| name                   | visual age              | dob
ikal rodriguez ༒ twenty - three ༒ july 05 , 1999

| sexuality | occupation | race
༒ pansexual       ༒ unknown ༒ indigeno mex, vampire


p h y s i c a l ::

| height             | physique              | hair
༒ 6'1               ༒ slim + lean       ༒ straight + long , jet black

| eyes
༒ deep - set brown eyes that are so dark they almost appear black

| summary
༒ ikal is an intimidating appearing male with his naturally serious features. he has a strong square - shaped jaw and high cheekbones. his deep - set eyes make him looked bored and expressionless though of course that changes when he has a reason to be visually happy. ikal's straight nose bridge leads up to his thick eyebrows which are typically pulled together in a thoughtful expression and make a crease between his eyebrows. what people call his most defining feature, though, is his jet black hair. it's usually straight but sometimes has a loose waves near the tips and it falls all the way down to his ribs. visually it's very shiny and healthy appearing — because it is. his black hair is usually unstyled or weaved into one or two braids. ikal's teeth — fangs to be precise — are usually never seen unless feeding or defense but they're sharp and softly poke over his bottom lip. with that being said those scenarios rarely come up so they never make an appearance often. something that often makes humans notice something . . . off about ikal is the way he holds himself. he has a graceful aura no matter what he does and seems to swell with confidence and purpose which is usually helped with his height and lean build.

| attire
༒ ikal's best attempt at blending in with mortals is his clothing. he wears jeans and converse sneakers and loose t - shirts and whatever else college students typically wear. he doesn't like sticking out. the only time he's dressed in things other than hoodies and sweaters are for family events/business and in his native country of mexico. back home he's typically dressed in loose jeans, white tanktops with short - sleeved button ups thrown on top or buttons up with nahuan textiles, and sandals. on days that he and his family have to go out together for their generational business, though, he'd be adorned in clothes that one would assume vampires to wear; black, red, and purple velvet suits, laced collars, intricate patterns — you name it.


p e r s o n a ::

| summary
༒ though ikal has a very monotone expression at first he's quite the opposite; he's polite, humble, and a bit of a romantic. naturally, he's confident and charismatic which makes it easy for him to quickly hit it off with them. his charming ways makes him a bit of a flirt but it's all platonic for the most part but if he's serious in terms of his flirtatious bantering he's quite hard to decipher. over all he's sweet and a natural carer / protector. there's a different use to ikal than what meets the eye. most of the time he is extremely charismatic but if he's surrounded by those he's comfortable with he can be a bit clumsy and sheepish.

| likes + dislikes
༒ likes : romance , companions , casual settings
༒ dislikes : extreme cold , feeding off humans ( slight exceptions to partners ) , overly formal mannerisms

| habits
༒ tucking his hair back / playing with it


e x t r a ::

| background
༒ ikal rodriguez was born of two mexican parents from a long line of naturally born vampires, making him no different. unashamed of his heritage and differneciality he's quite open with his existence and doesn't deny anything when 'accused' of being a vampire. and much to most mortals' surprise, ikal is just a mere twenty - three years old. thanks to immortality he's the youngest of his bloodline while at the same time having siblings centuries years old. anyways, ikal simply wants a shot at living 'normally' and is currently fulfilling that out by having attended grade school and is currently in college majoring in sociology — much to his parent's disappointment. a bloodline flourishing generation after generation ( and some of those original successors still thriving to this day ) is bound to gain a footing in success and wealth and his family is no different as they have a hand in nearly every major industry. he never talks about it though.

| extra
༒ ikal has the subtlest mexican accent when he speaks
༒ vampires are gifted with a certain eloquence that humans are naturally drawn to and ikal is certainly no different
༒ feeding off of humans is something he isn't too fond of. the only blood he'd ever think of feeding on is that of a lover's. allegedly it's quite pleasurable for both parties
༒ his skin is cold. for real, except he doesn't feel cold to himself. it's almost startling how cool he is to the touch but he can warm up with the help of mortals


oc model ::
haatepah clearbear

preferred role play genres ::
romance , smut , fantasy , era / historical (!)

active role plays ::

available to make non - multi? ::

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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