Chapter 1 My Past Returns

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Phil knew something wasn't right when he came home to a quiet house, as that never happened. What he was not expecting, or rather who he was not expecting, is him. A man who was once a colleague, and now is the man of his nightmares. He tensed up at the rusty sound of his voice. "Well did you really think you could ever leave?" Chuckled Chris. Shivers run down Phil's spine at the sadist sound. "No you knew it was only a matter of time." He said through the grin plastered on his face. Phil knew what was coming next, he knew the punishment for leaving. Chris slips a small black container out of his pocket. Phil wished he didn't know what was inside. That he didn't know what those pills did. But sadly he did. He knew all to well. His mind wondering off Phil almost didn't catch the small container flying towards him. As Phil caught it he looked up through his ebony fringe. A deathly glare pointed at the man. Looking down at the object he realized he was holding the pills... But why? Why would Chris do this? Then it all made sense. It all clicked when Chris started manically laughing. And the shadows began to move. Phil was surrounded, over powered, and had nowhere to run.

He looked at the people around him. Some familiar faces. Peej, Alfie, Zoe, Louise, Emma, Luke, Patty, Jason. And of course a few newbies though that is expected, Chris was always looking for new "talent." He starts that manic laughter again. I know what's coming, but that does not stop the shaking of my hands. "You have a choice Phillip Michael Lester" he said hiccuping. "You have a choice" he speaking giggling in a five year olds voice. "You take those happy little pills or you come play with us." He giggled advancing with his eyes dilated with what could only be labeled insanity.

So two choices... Two horrible choices... One that is most definitely a dreadful death and the other could most likely a just as dreadful death... Or worse. Glancing up at Chris I see the mirth in his eyes. He was enjoying this! That bastard! Cackling he speaks up again. Yet again in that revolting child's voice "Oh what to chose Philly? Hummmm? Do you remember those pillssss? Hummmm? Oh you dooo don't youuuu?" With each dragged out word terror struck farther into me, but somehow I found my voice. "What happens if I go with you?" My own voice sounding unfamiliar. "Well Philly there's not any fun in telling you that." He sighed, like I was some child throwing a tantrum. Although if I was a child I would say this would be the time for such a thing... Ah my childhood, if only I could.. No I mustn't go there not now. I can feel my blood pumping. I did not think this was ever going to happen. I thought I had escaped, but Chris was right you can never escape the ring. Suddenly my head snaps up, like I have been possessed, and I look Chris square in the eye "I don't know what you are planning Chris, but you can be as sure as hell that I'm not going along with it." I growled trying to sound intimating. "Well then." He breaths deeply his tone darker, much darker. "Well boys you know what to do." Those words chilling me the bone, as strong hands grabbed me. It hurt, but it wouldn't last much longer. I could already feel the chloroform soaked towel taking its effects on me. The last thing I saw was Chris's animated face over me. "Hush little Phillip it's okay." He said sweetly. "It's only a nightmare."


Okay now here are some things I want to tell y'all's!
1) this is my first fanfic
2) the lovely amazing troyesgroupie has agreed to help me and I feel honored in every way. Also she is writing a new tronnor fic and I'm hooked so if you read this then check that out its perfect
3) I'm going to change POVs and first person/third person a lot depending on what's going on
4) (and lastly) this is a work in progress so if y'all comment I might get inspired from it who knowwwwwwws.

Thank you for reading! Love y'all's!

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