Chapter 10: Freckled blood

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Guess who's back!!!
It's literally taken me procrastinating on homework to write this oops. Well enjoy!

Trigger warnings: um death? Sorry?

Dans POV

A beautiful girl face with black ashes on her forehead greets me with her lively eyes of a forest floor of ferns and moss on a bright sunny day. The black cross covers the diamond brith mark hidden within a sea of freckles. The crinkle of her eyes give away the bright smile on her lips as a bubbly stream of laughter leaves her mouth hidden under a worn flannel sleeve. Her messy dirty blond hair is up as she continues to giggle.

"You need to stop making me laugh I swear in going to choke!" She says turning to me as we crossed the street.

Suddenly a loud screech and a red flash blurs by my vision, and I feel as though in falling into quick sand but it's not sand at all, it's the thick blood of my beloved sister. I scream and sob as I look to the vehicle that took her life away. Only to see the murder kept going, and the shockingly familiar smirk of the insane man that has haunted my dreams.

"Dan! DAN! Hey Dan can you hear me? Hey shushhhh it was only a dream."

Sorry it was short I'll update soonish hopefully.

Thanks for the read!!!


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