Part 8

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When Crazy Dave was done with the shower, he dried off. He exited the bathroom and noticed Sunflower underneath the covers. "What's wrong?" Crazy Dave questioned.

She stayed silent. "ok" Crazy Dave said.

As Crazy Dave was laying down on the other bed, Crazy Dave looked at Sunflower. "Good night I guess." Crazy Dave said.

She was still quiet, there was explosions in the background. Crazy Dave woke up  and heard people screaming and gunfire and he noticed something. "Is that Carl Azuz and Markiplier?" Crazy Dave asked himself.

He heard a knock at the door. And opened the door and saw no one. He thought it was one of those weird  people people who randomly knock on the door. But looked down and saw a box he picked it up and saw a note it said, ' Do not open until you reach your home Yours Truly - Susie. "well that's very weird," Crazy Dave said.

He took the box and placed it in the time machine. So he doesn't forget it, he finally lay's down and began to rest. As the morning sun came up so did Sunflower went over and woke up Crazy Dave. "What is it?" Crazy Dave questioned.

"Well I think I should pick a time period," Sunflower asked.

"Sure why not." Crazy Dave said.

"Well, we gotta wait cause Im hungry." Crazy Dave told her.

"Ok, but hurry up ok? Cause I wanna go to this time period, oh and bring some water cause I drank the rest while you and Susie we getting the time machine in the room." Sunflower said.

"Ok." Crazy Dave told her.

As Crazy Dave left the room. Sunflower went over to the closet checked if the body parts were still there, but she looked and noticed that they were gone. "Huh, That weird," Sunflower said.

Crazy Dave went into the restaurant across the street. He saw that Russian Soldiers were everywhere so he was carful, as he was entering the restaurant he was stopped by a Russian Soldier. "What do you have?" The Russian Soldier said.

Crazy Dave reached into his pocket and pulled out a pen. "It's a pen." Crazy Dave told him.

"Ok go ahead," The Russia soldier told him.

He went to a table and sat down, he waited a little bit until a waiter came up. "What do you want," the waitress said with a snotty voice.

"I would like Scrambled eggs, pancakes,and sausage please." Crazy Dave told the waitress.

"All right, anything to drink?" The waitress told him.

"Water is fine." Crazy Dave said.

When the waitress went away, he looked out the window and sighed.


"Well, at least I have you, Sunflower." Crazy Dave whispered to himself.

The waitress came with his water. "Here is your water, sir" The lady said.

"Thanks." Crazy Dave smiled.

He took a sip of water and and sighed once more, he got his food and didn't see any sausage. "Uhh you forgot my sausage." Crazy Dave said.

"Yeah, I forgot to tell we are all out." The waitress told him.

"Oh that's fine," Crazy Dave replied.

The waitress gave Crazy Dave his food.  "Thanks," Crazy Dave told her.

The waitress walked away to serve another person. He grabbed a fork and bit into his pancakes and took some of his eggs and scooped some of it. After he was done, he got his money out he paid 3.00 kopeks. And got another 1.00 kopeks, and walked towards the waitress. "Oh I put the money on the table." Crazy Dave told the waitress.

"Ok, thanks." The waitress said.

Crazy Dave exited the restaurant and walked towards the hotel. He went to the elevator and put the number 4 and went up. And went twords the room #420. He went to room and saw sunflower sitting on the bed reading a book. "You know you can't read?" Crazy Dave told her.

"I know I just love looking at the pictures." Sunflower said.

"Also we should get going." Sunflower said.

"Right." Crazy Dave said.

So Crazy Dave went downstairs and returned the key. He went back up and re made the beds. "Alright what time period since you want to pick the next one." Crazy Dave asked Sunflower.

"Maybe 6070 In the future?" Sunflower suggested.

"Oh ok." Crazy Dave said.

They both went inside the time machine and Crazy Dave typed the code 6070, the time machine juggled around and Shaked around till everything was silent.

Crazy Dave's Crazy Adventure With Sunflower Where stories live. Discover now