Hate Mail

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Karma peered over Gakushū's shoulder. "What'cha doing?"

"Writing" Gakushū responded, typing away at his computer.

"What's it about?" Karma asked again.

"It's an email" Gakushū impatiently said.

"When are you done?" Karma poked his shoulder.

The strawberry blonde boy groaned, annoyed at his boyfriend's antics. "In five minutes"

"Hurry up then! I need attention" to prove his point he pressed his face against Gakushū's shoulder, who responded by grabbing his face and aggressively pushing him away.

Karma frowned at his boyfriend, before going to the couch, picked up the remote and pressed the power button. But the TV won't turn on. The red head repeated the process five more times before giving up. "Your TV's broken" he told Gakushū.

"Shush!" Gakushū shushed him. "It's probably not plugged in or something!" The strawberry blonde leaned closer to the screen of his laptop. He looked so focus Karma guessed the email must be very important.

"Done!" Gakushū cheered.

The red head approached him. "What's the email about anyway?" He sat on the arm of the loveseat. "It's an email to my father telling him everything I can't stand about him. How he's a complete jackass, that he's bad at his job, how he doesn't know anything about being a good father, and that I hope he gets chased by a pack of angry rabid dogs"

Karma was surprised. "You sent that to him?!" He felt impressed.

Gakushū laughed. "Ha! No. I wrote it to him but I'll never send it" he pressed delete, and the email was now gone. "That's much better now" he sighed with relief.

Karma raised a brow. "I don't understand how you put in so much effort to writing an angry, insulting email to your shitty dad, but you don't send it. Don't you want to see his reaction?" He snickered as he pictured the furious look on the Chairman's face.

"It's a great way to release pent up anger and vent feelings without having to deal with the consequences, I do it all the time" Gakushū explained. He then looked at his boyfriend sheepishly

"Trust me when I say I've deleted plenty of emails to you. Half the time, I'm tempted to actually send them, but I don't"

He closed his laptop and placed it on the table before getting up from his comfortable position in the chair, stretched his arms, before getting the keys to his car. "Come on, let's go to the movies" he placed a hand behind Karma's back, leading him out of the room.

A few days has passed since then

And Karma has decided he wants to try Gakushū's so called great way to release pent up frustrations. So he stayed in the living room(his mother moved his computer from his room to the living room so he can't hide from her) all sunday evening writing emails to certain people.

"What are you even writing about?" Natsuki asked, watching her son from the living room door. She had just arrived back from work, her husband was in a business trip in Las Angeles.

"An angry email" he responded, still engrossed in his writing.

"That sounds healthy" was her tired reply, shutting off the lights. "Don't stay up too late, it's a school night" she reminded, before heading up to her room.

The next morning, Natsuki found her son still in the living room. "Have you been here all night?! Writing your email?" She looked at him angrily.

"No, I went to bed at 10" Karma assured. "And then I went back here at 4 to continue" he pointed at his computer. "I'm done now"

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