Chapter 5

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I woke up, nothing changing from last night outfit-wise besides my shoes by the door. I was in a strange room with black sheet set, a dark red comforter, and defiantly a memory foam mattress. I sat up, stretching and found an ensuite bathroom. I quickly washed my makeup off and took the bobby-pins out of my hair, and threw it in a low bun. I heard a knock on my door and I opened the door. Dreavyn was holding my duffel bag and smiling. "Jack brought over some things from your home. Why don't you get into something more comfortable and we'll eat together downstairs in the dining room," he said and I nod, taking the bag. I kissed him quickly and closed the door lightly. I smiled like a total idiot and I walked into the bathroom. I took my contacts out, took a shower, using the things inside the bathroom to my advantage, after getting dressed and tying my hair up in a high bun, I put my glasses on and stuffed my dress, bra, underwear, jacket, purse, and shoes in the duffle. I slipped on the TOMS that Jack threw in my duffel on and swung it over my shoulder. I walked out of the room and down the hall. I turned a corner and had 3 men pointing guns at my head. I gasped and raised my hands quickly. 

"Fottuti idioti, abbassate le pistole. È la mia amante, la tua Donna, e non vedrà mai del male che le verrà incontro. Ora abbassa le pistole prima che vi uccida tutti (You fucking idiots, put your guns down. She is my lover, your Donna, and she will never see harm coming to her. Now lower your guns before I kill you all.)," Dreavyn said before all the guns before they all mumbled "Scusa Don, scusa Donna" before running off to God knows where.

I ran into Dreavyn's arms and held him tight, letting my tears run down my cheeks. He held me tight, petting my hair and kissing my forehead. "Its's okay mia bel fiore, it's okay," he says, still kissing my forehead and the crown of my head. 

"What just happened?" I whispered, my voice shaking. 

"They thought you were a thief or an intruder wanting to hurt me," he said. I pulled away from his chest, got on my toes, and kissed him, tangling my fingers in his hair. He snaked his hands around my waist around my duffel bag. I pulled away and smiled at him.

"Grazie amore mio," I say to him and he smiles. 

"Sei il benvenuto, amore mio," he says and kisses my forehead. He smiles and leads me to his dining room. He pulled a chair for me, taking my duffel and walking away, probably putting it by the door. I saw him come back in with two plates. I smile as he puts one in front of me, it had a Cornetto, Maritozzi, and some fresh bread with cheese on it. I smiled up at him as he slides me a cup of coffee he got from the kitchen. "I made them earlier, my Nonna's recipe. The Conetto is filled with fresh apple, honey, and cinnamon filling," he said and I smiled at him. 

"Thank you, it all smells and looks heavenly," I say and he chuckles, sitting across from me. I took in his appearance, his hair in a bun, he had an ACDC t-shirt, and a pair of jeans. I took a bite and instantly moaned at the amazing taste. "This is so fucking good, holy hell," I say and he smirks at me. 

After eating the most amazing breakfast I've ever had, he drove me home. I kissed him before I got out and went inside. Before he drove away, I came back out with a spare key. I knocked on his window, which he rolled down. I handed him the key and smiled. "Use it whenever you miss me, you want to come over, or you feel like cooking, because your food is amazing. Or, just, whenever," I say and he laughs, taking his key cars out of the ignition and putting it on his keychain. "How about you come in? I've seen your place, come see mine. My Nonna bought it and gave it to me in her will," I said and he smiles. I step back from his door and he gets out. I take his hand and lead, most likely drag, him inside, making him laugh. I closed the door after he walked in and smiled. I grabbed my duffel and put it in my laundry room. I walked back and smiled, watching him look around. 

"I like it, it's cozy," he says and I smile. He pulls me to him and I giggle, putting my hands on his chest. He smiles and lifts my chin with the hand that wasn't on my waist and gives me a deep kiss. I smile into the kiss and take his bun out, tangling my fingers in his hair. He moves hands down to my waist as we kiss. I moved my hands down and pull the bottom of his shirt. I lift it over his head and run my hands down his tattoos. All were done with beautiful precision, talent, and skill. I kissed the wolf tattoo and going down, kissing each tattoo. He chuckles and runs a hand through my hair. I notice a black rose tattoo over his heart, and kiss it. I look back up at him, then lean in hungrily for my next kiss. I feel him tugging on my t-shirt and let him take it off, pulling my hair out of it's bun and throwing my glasses on the living room table. 

"Why don't we take this to my room?" I ask and slowly guide him upstairs. We walk to my bedroom, where he closes the door, guides me against it, then kisses me roughly. I kiss him back and tangle my fingers in his hair. I feel him guide his hands to my ass. I jump into his arms, his hands holding me against his body by my ass. I let him guide me to the bed and throw me against it. I looked up at him as he crawled on top of me. 

"I'm on birth control," was all he needed to hear me say before he kissed my neck. 

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