Chapter 9

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It was about a week after the call with Agent fucktard before I heard a knock at my door. It was my normal day off of Wednesday, but I also had off on Thursday, and the opening of my exhibit was on Friday. Dreavyn was in Italy on business and had been for about 3 day, but he promised he'd be back for my exhibit opening. 

I opened my door only to see two men in suits at my door. "Can I help you?" I asked, slightly annoyed complete strangers were annoying me on my day off, where I was watching Castle on Hulu. 

"Hello Ms. Jaksen, I'm Agent Brown, we spoke on the phone a while back. This is my partner Agent Reves," he said, motioning to his friend. "May we come in," h e asked and I sighed. 

"Sure, yeah," I say and let them in. I guide them to my kitchen table and offer them a seat. 

"Where is Mr. Romano now?" Agent Reves asked and I sighed lightly. 

"Italy, on business. Trying to get a olive oil seller to accept his deal to have him be the exclusive company to import into the United States," I say and they nod, Brown making notes. 

"And has he ever done anything suspicious in front of you?" he says. I think back the phone call, to him telling me he killed the doctor who killed my mother, to all of the incriminating things. 

"No, never. He's been nothing but loving and gentle," I say and they keep writing in their little pads. 

"If you are lying to us, we will find out. We can subpoena you in court," Agent Reves says, glaring at me. 

"Not if we get married first," I say and they look up at me, surprised. "Part of my training for musicology was some aspects of law, in case we ever had to do forensic musicology," I say and they look at me confused. 

"We'll keep that in mind. Goodbye Ms. Jaksen," Brown says and they leave quickly. After I made sure they drove away, I called Dreavyn. 

"Willow? It's almost midnight here, are you okay? You never call this late," Dreavyn said and I sighed. 

"The FBI just stopped by my house. I think they might subpoena me, I don't know what to do. I'm scared Dreavyn," I say and sit on my couch, running a hand through my hair. 

"Stay calm, I'll be home tomorrow at midnight here, which is 6PM there. I'll stay with you for as long as you need, unless..." he said and I sat up. 

"Unless what?" I say and he sighs. 

"We've been dating over a month now. I love you, I can't stand the thought of you getting hurt, or even not being in my arms. So, would you move in with me? You can still keep your house, go there whenever you want or need. Or I could move in there, keep my office at that apartment I have," he says and I smile like crazy. 

"I'd love if you moved in here, if you want," I say and I hear shuffling.

"Yes, I want to move there. It can be our home," he says and I smile. 

"Yeah. Now get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you mia anima forte," I say and I heard what I thought was snoring and I giggled. I hung the phone up and got ready for a shower. I texted Luca, who was still in state to take over for Dreavyn while he's in Italy. 

To Luca: Hey, FBI were just by. I want to make sure they didn't bug my house or some shit. Can you come check please? I haven't done/said anything incriminating. 

From Luca: Of course! I'll stay the night in a guest room if you want.

To Luca: Please? Thank you so much!

From Luca: Anything for my future sister-in-law!

I sighed and took a quick shower. I tried to get my mind to focus on anything but what had just happened. I got out, dried myself off, and quickly got dressed. I went into the living room, and just read about romantic era composers and instruments. I just needed my mind to stop wandering. I heard my door open and looked up to see Luca walking in the room. I sighed and stood up, walking to him. I gave him a hug and he hugged me back, kissing my temple. 

"It'll be okay, I promise," he says and lets me go. I offer to take his duffel bag up and I saw him take a device out of his pocket. I watch him walk around and I go upstairs, leaving the duffle bag in the guest room right next to my bedroom. I walk back down to see him smashing something with a hammer out of my toolbox. 

"Did they actually bug me?!" I exclaimed, shocked and upset. 

"I found 3. They didn't go upstairs, so I would assume there's none up there," he says and I sigh. 

"I hate them, I want them gone. Fuck them, I haven't done anything!" I said and he hugs me. 

"Let's go eat, my treat. You need to get out of here before you get paranoid. I'll let Dreavyn know what happened," he whispered in my ear. I nod and go slide some Toms on while he follows me out. I locked the door and followed him to his car. 

He took me to Carmine's Italian Restaurant, where we had family style served Baked Clams, Clams on the Half Shell, Shrimp Parmigiana, Eggplant Parmigiana, and Tiramisu. We ate, talked, laughed, and bonded. It was good to know him and see who he was. He made sure to pack up whatever we didn't eat and we walked out after he paid. 

"So, do you love my brother?" he asked as we drove him. 

"Yes. I would rather die than tell anything to anyone who wants to hurt him," I say and he nods, smiling. "I told Dreavyn that if I married him, they couldn't make me testify. And I told him I'd do it in a heartbeat. Hell, I'd sign a prenup if anyone wanted me to," I say and he smiles and nods. 

"I'm glad someone loves him for once. I thought he'd die a lonely man before he loved someone who loved him back, romantically I mean," he says and I smiled. 

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