Chapter 7

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Me and Zayn collapsed on the couch of the bus. "You know what'd be cheesy?" He turned to me and continued. "Though you're not staying for the whole tour..." I raised a brow. "Everything's cheesy with you, just spit out with it!" I laughed. "Alright, we text each other love notes everyday?" He smiled widely. "Yep. You've beat your own cheesy record. Shame." I shook my head dramatically. He chuckled and I rolled over, laying my head on his chest.

"Don't forget I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her." My chin felt weird against his warn body. "I'm glad we're on the same page then." He did what sounded like a giggle. I always didn't think of boys to giggle, but on him, I found it cute. We heard a hollow bang. Well, I'm guessing he heard it too, because I flew off his chest with a thud. "What was that?" Zayn Sat up with a panicked look on his face. I rubbed my chin groaning, "Now, either that was my chin violently hitting the floor or the sound of my brain beating against my skull."

More shuffling came from outside and I picked myself up. "Should I check?" He asked and I held a finger up, telling him to wait. Then the atmosphere filled with blood heaving screams. "Zayn. Stay here."

"No way am I st--"

"I'm serious. Stay. You're not getting hurt and I think I can handle this situation better than you can." Before he could say anything, I opened the door, traveling down the small steps. I froze in place. Oh God.. "Don't just stand there! Here, add pressure." Harry cried as his eyes burned for help. Tears poured from my eyes as I held pressure to the poor boy's wound. He groaned in pained as I pressed down. "'ll be alright.." I comforted him, unsure if everything was going to be okay.

My hands were trembling and I heard distant sirens. Harry ran his hands through his curls and winced with every groan Louis made. The ambulance got here and took him away and Harry insisted on going. Quick agreement settled and Liam pulled me into the car with him and Niall nearly racing to the Hospital. "What about Zayn?" I said through cries. "We'll get him later." Liam hissed and I sunk down. The car ride was excruciatingly quiet.

When we pulled into the parking lot, we scurried to the doors and ran to the desk. "May I help you?" A weary lady said, not looking up. "Louis Tomlinson's room please." I pushed down the lump in my throat. "Ah,poor boy. Room 237" She sighed. I replied with a quiet thank you and rushed to Louis' room, but got stopped by two nurses in blue scrubs. "Waiting Area, he can't have any visitors yet. Niall had his fists clenched so tight his skin were to rip. "Calm down.." I hushed. Fire coursed through his once blue eyes. "Calm down? Don't ya' fuckin' tell me to calm down! My best mate's in the hospital and you're telling me to calm down?! GAVINA YOU'RE THE WHOLE REASON HE WENT OUT! THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" He shouted at me.

My fault? I didn't ask him to do a thing! Nevertheless want him to! "I suggest you shut up." I hissed looking at my feet. "Don't get all bitchy on me because this is not the fuc--" Seconds later he was holding his bloody nose and groaning. "I think you should go." Liam said, standing in bewilderment. It's like I had a hand of steel. I stared back at Louis' room and sighed. I walked out of the Hospital and ventured back to the bus. Even though we had a hotel, me and Zayn had kept the bus to ourselves encase the boys were up to something. I walked up the tiny steps, closing the door by the handle.

"What happened? Why are your hands all bloody?" Zayn was now at my feet.

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