Chapter 224

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[This is an adaptation, this story is not mine. The credits goes to the original writer. Please do not vote!]

"I'm not familiar with Madam Wang. Whatever I know about her is gathered from when she attends public events with Police Chief Wang, the press releases distributed by the media, and the occasional piece of sensational online news. I've always thought of her to be a friendly and nice person," Jennie said moodily.

"She's not a bad person, but she does carry the same problem most people in big, influential families have. She does not have bad intentions, but she is petty. Having said that, when it comes to doing good, she really does put in the effort. How should I put it? People are not perfect, and everyone has their shortcomings. This minor flaw would be hers. Madam Wang has acted this way from the very beginning, and it has been many years since anyone could remember otherwise. It's something that she can't shake off, otherwise, Police Chief Wang and Jackson would have gotten her to turn over a new leaf by now. Nevertheless, even they were not successful," Lisa explained.

"Jackson might have a nonchalant character, but he is a good person," said Jennie.

"Both brothers turned out more like Police Chief Wang. They're boys, after all. When they were growing up, their father was the one that disciplined them. Police Chief Wang may usually be stern, but he was aware of Madam Wang's characteristic and was quite careful not to completely hand over his two sons to her to discipline nor let them spend all their time with her. When they were about to start attending elementary school, Police Chief Wang sent them away to boarding school; they've never even been to Seoul International Academy. Furthermore, after they graduated from high school, they were sent to military school. This was why Madam Wang did not have many opportunities to get involved in their lives while they were growing up," Lisa continued explaining.

Jennie dug her tidily clipped fingernails into her hand and pouted in frustration. "I'm getting even more worried because of your explanation. I don't feel comfortable with Luca spending time with Madam Wang. I'm worried Madam Wang will raise him to value social hierarchies and teach him to divide people into different classes, wherein everyone below him was a bad person. She will not be a good influence on Luca. I can tell them Madam Wang has no intention of letting Luca continue having a relationship with everyone in the orphanage. Luca can be stubborn sometimes, and he is not someone who easily forgets his roots. He won't listen to Madam Wang, so the two of them might end up in an argument if such a moment arises."

"Luca is a sentimental boy. He would rather get hurt for the sake of those he loves than forget the orphanage just because Madam Wang wants him to. I'm worried he will make Madam Wang unhappy because of this matter. After all, he did not grow up in the Wang Family, and he's only going there now at the age of eight. It won't be a home that he is familiar with and I'm worried Madam Wang will lose her patience with him after a while."

"Luca is a boy. Police Chief Wang won't allow him to be completely taken care of by Madam Wang. Don't forget, he will undoubtedly place a lot of importance on the first grandchild of the family. You don't need to worry with Police Chief Wang watching over him," replied Lisa. "Luca will not be subjected to any injustices if Police Chief Wang is present, as was the case for Jackson and Jae-beom."

Jennie sighed. "Judging by what you have just told me, Luca is a boy, so Police Chief Wang will bring him up in a very disciplined environment, just as he had with Jackson and Jae-beom. Luca had just found his family but will need to leave them almost immediately to go to a boarding school at such a young age. It's really sad."

At the very least, Jackson and Jae-beom had been able to live at home for a few years before being sent away to boarding school.

"If that happens, it won't be easy for me to see him," Jennie mumbled sadly.

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