In A Another Life.

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'He saved his tears till he gets home, if he does manage to get home.'


Chester and Parker were both warriors from different countries
and war has broke out in between their countries.

Which meant that they were forced to fight each other with no hesitation.


During the war, Chester along with his squad had found Parker.
Parker was alone though, with no weapons on him;
He looked completely harmless and innocent.

Chester knew what was about to happened.
It was going to be Parker's final day today.

Yes, today.

Chester along with his squad crouched their way over to his destination,
making sure Parker doesn't hear nor see Chester and his squad.

The captain of Chester's team had told him that he would be the one killing Parker,
with a sneak attack of course.

He inhaled sharply at the news he was told.

"It's gonna be okay." One of Chester's friends whispered to him in an attempt to comfort him.

Chester's squad left him alone and hid behind a small mountain of sand.


Chester sneaked his way over to Parker; He shed a few tears meanwhilst.
But tears couldn't stop him,
he needed to win this war. For his team, for his family. And lastly, for his country and it's frightened citizens.

Chester grapped Parker's shoulders tightly as he finally reached his target.
Chester swiftly put his right leg in front of Parker's in order to make him fall.

He fell and groaned slightly because of his bad landing position.

Chester flipped him over forcefully making them go face to face.
Parker quickly occupied the beautiful eyes of Chesters, and his shiny hair too.

Parker's facial expression quickly changed into a shocked broken one, he just broke his heart.
And Chester knew it, but he had to fulfill his duty.

Tears quickly smeared on to Parkers eyes as he whimpered quietly.
Chester let out his tears and cries that he has held in since he saw him.

But theres no turning back now.
Chester placed his submachine gun on the side of Parker head making him gasp pathetically.

Who would've thought that Chester would be the one kill him?

Parker smiled at him in allowance for him to murder the innocent soul of his.

He surrendered.
He was trying to hide his pain to make it easier for Chester to kill him.

Chester pressed his two fingers harder on the trigger of the gun making it squeal.
Parker on the other hand, was still smiling awating for freedom to arrive at any moment.

Chester looked down at him and leaned down curving his lips into a kiss.
Chester pressed his lips against Parker's, and Parker deepend into it.

Chester pulled out of the kiss and looked him into the eyes.

"I love you. It was nice while it lasted." Parker said clearly on the edge to have a breakdown.

"It was nice while it lasted."
Chester agreed and responded knowing that might've been his last message to him.

"Goodbye, Chester."

He just said his goodbye.
He commanded him to just shoot him already.

He wanted Chester to end his pain.

Parker closed his eyes and guided two of his fingers
to the trigger of the gun using Chester's arm.

Once he had made his way to the gun, he placed his two chosen fingers
on Chesters and pressed even harder on the trigger.

"Hopefully we'll meet again, in another life."

He pressed the trigger fully and shot.
Chester inhaled sharply and covered his mouth with his free hand.

That was it, he fulfilled his duty.
He was free now, right?

He could hopefully go home and mourn the loss of the innocent he just killed?
But no, military isn't like that.

He saved his tears till he gets home, if he does manage do get home.

Chester snatched the gun out of Parker's lifeless hand and hopped of off him,
he ran over to his squad and they thanked him for his help and bravery.

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