Lokius meets the avengers

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All the avengers were quite and shocked

"well this is awkward i'm mobius loki's husband" mobius said

"brother i missed you". loki said walking up to thor

thor was still but loki walked up to him and hug him thor did the same

"I missed you too brother" thor said

loki cryed silently

"where have you been?" thor said looking at loki

"uh i went to place called the tva". loki said doing his magic

"the tva is somewhere and protects to flow of time and every timeline and you get to rest but i escaped and went to court then i meet my darling mobius he cares for me not that everyone did to me" loki said

loki said looking at mobius holding his hand mobius took the hand and twirl loki

"MOBIUS". loki shrieked happily

"OH brother we have a sister". loki said mobius keep twirling loki

"WE HAVE A SISTER?!?!?!???!" thor said screaming loudly

"yes we do her name is sylvie she is blond". loki said mobius and loki keep on dancing

"and she is so great". loki and mobius keeps dancing until they are out of the door

"well that went well don't you think thor". bruce said with a hand 

"i'm so happy that my brother has a lover that he can spend all his life with but..." thor said trailing off

"but what?" bruce said 

"you are mortals and once you're lives are done no one can survive it not even loki i can tell that loki loves him with all his heart". thor said 

"i must go". thor said

"HEIMDALL" thor shouted

And a rainbow brige came and toke thor

The door slide and see loki and his husband

"where is thor?" loki said 

"um he went to asgard to do something about an apple i don't know" bruce said 

Loki gasped and look at mobius

and mobius looked at loki 

"do you know what they are mobi"? loki said softly

"yes i do I've studied all you're life". mobius said while holding 

"i really miss him" loki said softly

"of course you do" mobius kissing loki's hand

Loki blushed

"ahem" tony said

both men looked at the teams

"yeah we are still here so i want to meet loki's husband cause we are still here and we go bye one by one ok" tony asked the team

they all noded 

"good lets get this show on the road" tony said

"this could be interesting" loki said

"well lets do this for all time?" mobius asked loki

"always" loki said smiling 

Avengers meet loki's husbandWhere stories live. Discover now