Steve meets mobius

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steve walks out to the living room and see mobius

"hi" steve said to mobius

"hey want to take a walk" mobius said

"yeah sure" mobius said standing up

Steve and mobius are walking

"so what makes you think loki is one" steve  said

"well he is pretty but it's his life story" mobius said having a smile

"huh what do you mean?" steve said confused

"well do you ever think why he is acting like this" mobius said looking at steve

"i..don't know thor said he is adopted and that's all we know" steve replied

"its not my secret to tell but maybe you talk to him so the more you don't have to be scared everytime he comes into the room" mobius said

"ok i will try to talk to him" steve said

Now mobius and steve are walking back

"thanks for the walk mobius" steve said

"hey no problem but just remember what i told you ok don't be afraid of he is just a pussycat" mobius said   

"ok i will remember that" steve said

steve and mobius talk until they go to bed 

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