3. "ɪ'ᴍ ɴᴏᴛ ᴀ ᴘᴏsᴇʀ."

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Date: January 25, 2024
Words: 1794

~ Author's Note ~

Should I have the characters start guessing who they are going to watch next? (Mainly for the happier scenes.) I think it could be funny - lol.

• Seating Chart •

Role 1: Laura/Clint/Natasha/Yelena/Steve
Role 2: Rhodes/Pepper/Tony/Peter/Happy
Role 3: Fury/Maria/Bucky/Sam/Ned/MJ
Role 4: Wanda/Empty/Bruce/Thor/Loki

"So, I'm not the only one who wants to watch something a little happier, am I?" Sam comments, glancing around the room to see if anyone's in agreement

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"So, I'm not the only one who wants to watch something a little happier, am I?" Sam comments, glancing around the room to see if anyone's in agreement. They all are - yes, even Bucky - and with this group of individuals that's rare. And alarming.

The Watcher observes his charges closely - taking note of the anxious glances shared between them, particularly the ones surrounding Natasha and Tony's seats - before sharing a meaningful nod with Dr. Strange. "Alright," the seer acknowledges their wishes swiftly, "The next clip will be insightful - but has a more cheerful tone."

Dr. Strange shifts his arm toward the screen, a gold ring beginning to circle his arms, when his coat suddenly flies off his shoulders. It floats in the air - shifting in a little dance-like formation - and completely ignores the shocked audience before him.

The doctor shakes his head, a deep sigh slipping past his lips, before he commands in a scolding tone. "Sit down."

The coat freezes. Raises its corner as if it is a hand.

And completely ignores its Master.

"Does he do that often?" Natasha asks, raising a tilted eyebrow, before clarifying. "Completely ignore you?"

"Sometimes," the doctor replies, but with a swat from the coat, he quickly amends, "Most of the time. He just enjoys this clip - don't mind him."

"Cool," Ned breathes in awe, watching the coat. But his words shift everyone's attention toward him - which was not his intention in any way, shape, or form. His eyes go wide at the knowledge of Iron Man and Captain America staring at him, heart fluttering against his ribs, while a stream of useless mumbles slip past his lips. "Hi, umm... you... you're staring at me," he breaks off into a weak chuckle, before shifting his gaze toward the Wizard. "Is it possible we can have clues for the clips before we watch them? Or at least who's in them?"

"I suppose," Strange agrees cautiously, sharing a glance with the seer. "One of the individuals in this clip is always bringing herself down and is definitely her own worst enemy."

Bruce nods thoughtfully, "She," that cuts down most of the people on the list."

Rhodey nods, glancing around at the girls in the room, "I bet it's Wanda." Happy and Sam nod in agreement. She is always fearful of her powers and bringing herself down.

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