Crown of Ice & Passion

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Orchestral music filled the room, laughter bounced gently a top the melody. Candlelit chandeliers of diamond and gold glimmered above, lining the ceiling in perfect unison of each other. The candlelight danced and flickered in tune with the swaying of many bodies, twirling, gliding, the works, anything but remaining still. The room was alive, not a single frown to be seen, nothing but glimmering eyes and romance. 

The ladies wore incredibly loud dresses of silk, taffeta, even those of satin. Part of the orchestral melody was blended with the many fabric layers swishing and moving as one. The candles brightening even the darkest of fabrics and casting silhouettes made of pure art. 

The lords watched their ladies, their suits neatly buttoned, some tucked. Dimpled smiles, determined eyes... A trance. A trance of beauty, of entertainment, of love. They knew of this trance but they hadn't a care. Their lady was pleased, laughing, dancing so elegantly in front of them with their large dresses, what more could a lord want? 

Not a single body was still, not a single body was alone. Except for him. 

Lifting my chin, my eyes followed the movement until they reached the thrones in the back of the room. His body sat rigid, his jaw tensed, his eyes blank. Ladies bumped into me as I stilled, stuck watching his still statue. Turning to my sisters, I excused my presence from the dance floor and hurried to the edge of the room, turning my eyes to him again. 

He hadn't moved, the glittering crown atop his head dancing in the flicking light. Titling my head slightly, I pressed my lips together tightly, my smile finally fading into a frown. Now just how could the host be so lonely? Of course he may be a prince, but do prince's not deserve fun either? 

His striking blue eyes scanned the room, his eyebrows furrowing with every smile he scanned. A thinned hand raked through his hair, darker then the night itself, leaving behind a ruffled appearance as he adjusted only his crown. 

It was not my place to approach him. It was not even my place to attend this ball with my sisters. We were far too poor, far too low on the social ladder to even think about attending. Our dresses were cheaply bought in comparison to the ladies with dresses tailored exactly to their shape, crafted with a golden needle and expensive thread. To be quite honest, we were able to sneak in because one of my sisters knew the a knight surveying the ball, and he had helped us get in. 

It was risky, as defying law was the same as defying the royalty. And defying royalty had many, many punishments. 

His eyes stopped, pausing in my direction. I thought nothing until he stood, his eyes narrowing far too suspiciously. My heart rate picked up, whether it was due to his incredible beauty or the fear of being caught, I couldn't tell. I didn't want to tell. 

With just a couple moments, I watched his chest rise and fall a few times before he stepped down from his throne and was gone in the throng of dresses. I scanned the room, fear finally settling in mixed with a dangerous adrenaline. There was no way he saw me, only me, in this group of fabric and movement. Then again, perhaps he had, I was the only one standing still besides himself.

I debated moving, trying to blend back in with the crowd, just in case he truly was moving towards me. But part of me wanted him to seek me. I have never been in a situation where any man sought me, for the better or for the worse, let alone a prince. 

My sisters cast a glance at me, a smile planted so wide on their thinned faces, such carelessness while they swayed playfully to the music. My lips arced, the smile returning to my own face. We earned this, legally or not, this society was broken. Every person has earned a chance to dance in beautiful clothes within the castle surveyed by the royalty.

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