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[I Got the Music]

Julie, Ricardo and Bianca stood by Julie's locker as the former hummed I Got the Music.

"Hey," a boy in a marching band uniform said as he jogged up to Julie.

"Hmm?" Julie hummed, pulling out her earbuds.

"Are you done? I need my sticks back."

Julie frowned and looked in her back pocket to see drumsticks. She handed them to the boy with a frown. The boy walked away. Bianca smiled lightly at the interaction.

Flynn walked up to her friends.

"Hey, what's up?" Julie and Bianca asked.

Flynn smiled. "Nothing. It's just nice seeing you back to your weirdo self. It's nice to see Bianca smiling again."


Ricardo bumped his sister's shoulder. "It is nice to see a smile."

"So how's the band? Still hot? Still talented?" Flynn asked as she glanced around. "Still dead?"

Julie chuckled. "Amazing. Luke and I spent the whole weekend writing songs. Come on. You wanna hear some of them?"


The four made their way to the music room and Julie said, "Like it was flowing through me, like when B and I used to write years ago. Ricky offered some help, but he didn't write much."

Ricardo sighed. "After Alejandro, it's surprisingly difficult."

Julie bumped her friend's shoulder. "It's okay, Ricky. No rush. Same for you, B."

Julie and Ricardo sat on the piano bench and Flynn and Bianca stood in front of them.

The curly-haired teen said, "So, this is the first song Luke and I wrote." She took out a few papers that had been scribbled with notes. "Here's a bit of the chorus."

She played part of the chorus of Edge of Great.

Flynn smiled widely. "Wow! I like it! Definite Gaga vibes."

Ricardo nodded. "I totally agree."

"Thanks!" Julie replied. "I think we have an anthem with this one. It's something me and my mom worked on. Luke and I finished it with her help. Check it out."

Ricardo played the melody as he looked at another sheet and he and Julie began singing once again to Stand Tall.

Flynn said, "That's... That's beautiful. And my girl Julie has got a crush, and his name is Luke. And Bianca, you have a crush on Reggie, don't you?"

Ricardo frowned. "That's my little sister you're talking about."

"Just remember he's a ghost."

Bianca huffed. "Stupid tattoo or not, I don't have a crush on Reggie."

"A cute ghost. Two cute ghosts."

"With a perfect smile," Julie admitted.

Bianca, however, refused to admit that she had a crush on the bassist... Even if her friends were right.

"Ha!" Flynn exclaimed. "I knew it! Just remember he's made of air. Bianca, I know you're crushing on Reggie; even if you refuse to admit it."

"Cute air," Julie said with a smile.

"Just don't get hurt, okay? Obviously you guys have a connection. Everybody's talking about when you're gonna play again. And those sparks between Bianca and Reggie? Whoo!"

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