Moon U

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Jaebeom reacted instinctively, leaping forward, and pulling Youngjae into hug, he made no attempt to wriggle away melting into his chest and sobbing violently, "Why are you pushing me away?" he asked anxiously, as Youngjae shook his head beneath his grasp. "I don't know" he whined, "But what else can I do?" he sniffled "I'm in love with you" he murmured and Jaebeom felt his whole body go numb, his internal war between rational and emotional ending with a simple sentence, he was so worried about hiding his feelings he had never considered that Youngjae could like him back. 

"But you didn't sign up for that and this is all fake and I'm sorry I know I'm stupid but until I get over this crush even being close to you hurts I- " he rambled and Jaebeom shut down his ears ringing, his heart soaring as he finally relaxed, holding Youngjae against him. Everything he had felt, everything he had denied himself for so long was his. He rubbed Youngjae's back in slow circles, letting his eyes flutter closed, he had been so focused on not getting feelings for Youngjae that he had been blind to Youngjae's own conflict.

 "I love you too" he murmured into his hair, a sudden weight lifted from his chest, the crushing pain no longer there and his heart sewing itself back together with Youngjae's smile. "For real?" he squeaked and Jaebeom nodded, an ear splitting smile breaking onto his face "For real, I've had a crush on you forever, I thought you'd never like me" he sighed, as they both laughed at their own stupidity. Their lips meeting messily, desperate as if the other was their oxygen. "I'm sorry I got mad" Jaebeom said sheepishly and Youngjae grinned back at him.

"I'm sorry I got upset, I had such a good day and the thought of not being able to hug or kiss you after today, it just hurt" he sighed, wiping at his face aggressively, "I know Jae, it hurt me too" he sighed pulling him back into a hug, "From now on, we always have each other, deal?" he asked inquisitively, his soft eyes meeting Youngjae's wide glittering ones. 

"That is the worst way I've ever been asked out" he sneered, giggling wildly as Jaebeom prodded and tickled at his sides in response. "Is that a yes then?" he asked hopefully, his heart soaring and Youngjae nodded happily against him. "What do we do now?" Youngjae murmured happily, trailing kisses up the side of his neck, "I thought you'd never ask" Jaebeom growled, lifting him onto the bed hungrily.

Jaebeom felt a gentle touch at his side, the blaring beeping of the alarm making his head ring, "We have to get up Jaebeom-ah" Youngjae groaned into his ear from beside him, his arms twisting lazily around him as he pulled him into a hug. "If you cuddle me, I'll never get up" Jaebeom said sleepily, a large crash at the door announced Jackson's arrival as he jumped onto the bed sprawling himself over the two half-asleep bodies "Rise and shine sleeping beauties!" he chimed, happily. 

"Where do you get your energy from?" Jaebeom whined, shifting out from underneath his weight, and shoving him away avoiding his clingy arms and pouty lips. "I love mornings" he laughed dryly, "plus I miss the others, aren't you excited to go home?" he winked and finally with a sharp kick was removed from Jaebeom's legs and he shifted to sit up, Youngjae throwing an arm out to stop him as the blanket fell in a pool at his lap. "Don't get up!" he stressed his cheeks burning scarlet as he held the blanket tightly against his own naked chest.

 Jinyoung strolled in at that moment, a cheeky grin on his face as he yawned, "Jackson, you really shouldn't be in bed with two naked men in front of your boyfriend you know" he smirked, leaning against the door frame and crossing his arms. Jackson looked at the other two confused before realisation kicked in and he leapt off the bed as if he had just seen a spider, shrieking, and squealing as Jinyoung laughed hysterically. Jaebeom couldn't help but laugh, the whole scene seemed ridiculous but somehow this was his life. "YOU'RE NAKED!?" Jackson yelled pointing at them accusingly, Youngjae blushed scarlet, drooping his head and Jaebeom simply shrugged "I can sleep naked with my boyfriend if I want to" he grinned, making eye contact with Jinyoung, enjoying the shocked looks on their faces "We didn't exactly invite you into our bed" he laughed holding Youngjae's hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

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