Not a story but how it could go

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I suck at writing, so this is an idea book.


1.Summon Gyozen (caster, grand caster, or foreigner) during or after Fuyuki singularity and helps with story plot

2.Summon him after the main plot is done like many other fanfics

3.Make it a comedy type like "What happens when you summon Emiya Shirou in Chaldea" or those like it.

4.Singularity were the Master(s) meet him (and his ghosts) and gain his help in an Oni based singularity.


1.Caster (this is what I imagine him as since he is a storyteller not a renowned fighter)

2. Grand Caster (don't know but it could work)

3.Foreigner (I don't really know how this class setting works but I know it is one liked to multiverse-based people?)


1.leaving most to writers but I want a form of Minds-Eye or Clairvoyance for him

2. He can create seals, Talismans, and spells from his kanji writings he makes.

Noble Phantasm (leaving most to writers like rank and affected people for most.)

1.StoryTeller: when he tells various stories, his companions gain a boost in morale and hope, and reduced fear and an increase in strength/focus.

2.Story of GHOSTS: he summons a Tori gate out of nowhere and calls upon 4 ghosts (each in 1 class from the multiplayer aka 1 samurai, 1 archer, 1 assassin, and 1 ronin/medic summoner)


1. Don't know if there would be any but if there is I'm leaving it to writers .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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FGO's Storyteller of GHOSTS (not a story but an idea for one)Where stories live. Discover now