Part 7: Meet Vitruvius

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After dismounting from their horses, Sonic, Emmet and friends follow Wyldstyle over to a brown building with a sign that says "Saloon" on the top.

As they walk up the steps, Sonic asks,

Sonic: So who's this "Vitruvius" that we're looking for?

Wyldstyle: Vitruvius is the oldest of the Master Builders and the guardian of the Kragle. At least, he was the Kragle's guardian until Lord Business stole it.

Knuckles: And we need to find him because?

Wyldstyle: Because he needs to know that the Piece of Resistance has been found. And he's the only one who can bring all the Master Builders together.

Sonic: Well, then let's try to find him fast!

Wyldstyle: Yeah...

As the group walks up the steps, they can hear the sounds of people shouting and fighting inside the building. They can hear a familiar melody being played on the piano.

Shadow: It's that song again...

Knuckles: And I thought we had heard enough of it already...

Sonic: Well... I guess some things are constant across all worlds... including that song.

Amy: It looks that way. But why are we going to place like this when we should be looking for this "Vitruvius"?

Wyldstyle: After the Kragle was stolen, Vitruvius moved here and found a job as a piano player to keep himself hidden from Bad Cop and Lord Business.

Shadow: (peeks under the door) Well, he certainly picked a good place to hide. Most people probably don't even notice him amidst all this brawling...

Wyldstyle: No kidding...

Emmet: Yeah, okay... So what are we supposed to do here?

Wyldstyle: All you have to do is blend in and act like you belong here.

Knuckles: And don't say or do anything that will give yourself - or any of us - away.

Emmet: Oh, perfect.

With this, Emmet then bursts through the door and says,

Emmet: (with a TERRIBLE cowboy accent) Well, howdy there! I'm a cowboy! Bang-bang, bang-bang-bang! Shoot, shoot, shoot! Bullet, bullet, gun! Zap, zap, zap! Pow, zap, pow!

In response, everyone in the saloon stops to look at him in their confusion. The music also stops playing right when that happens.

Emmet: (confused) What are they looking at?

Outside, Sonic shakes his head and facepalm along with the rest of the group.

Wyldstyle, meanwhile, pulls Emmet back outside and tells him,

Wyldstyle: I- I made a mistake. I meant to say that you need to act like a stool.

Emmet: Oh, okay. (bursts in through the door again) Howdy, guys! (bends over and starts hopping around)

Amy: I don't think that's what she meant when she said to "act like a stool".

Wyldstyle: Yeah, stools don't talk.

Emmet: (still hopping around) Come sit on me!

Sonic: Stop!

Sonic then drags Emmet out the door again and says,

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