Part 14: Rise of the Master Builders

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Ten seconds after leaving the Think Tank, Tails, Lucy, and friends arrive at a pair of LEGO glass doors.

Lucy: Here it is. Lord Business' TV studio.

Shadow: So what goes on in there?

Lucy: It's where Lord Business' robots film the "Where Are My Pants?" TV show.

Knuckles: What kind of show is it?

Lucy: It's a sitcom about guy who's going around looking for his missing pants... in pretty much every episode.

Tails: Hm. With a premise like that, one would think that it would end up becoming repetitive after a while...

Amy: I know, right? I mean, who would think that it's a good idea for any series to have the same basic over and over again with little-to-no changes?

Lucy: Only someone as obsessed with order as Lord Business would think so.

Shadow: It looks that way. Still, I do have to wonder - What are we doing here again?

Lucy: We're going to break into the studio and hijack the broadcast so we can get our message out to everyone in the universe.

Tails: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's do it!

With a nod, the Master Builders quickly smash through the doors and burst into the studio.

Unikitty: Hi!

Amy: Sorry about the mess!

Lucy: (holding a pair of pants) Hey, guess what? Found your pants! Series is over!

As Lucy tosses the pants on the male actor and kicks him aside, she turns to Benny and says,

Lucy: Benny, send this out to everyone in the universe.

Benny then flies over to the console and says,

Benny: Is this 1980-something technology? Now we're talking!

After knocking out the robot camera crew, Knuckles, Amy, and Shadow get behind the camera while Tails and Lucy take to the stage.

Amy: Okay, places, everyone!

Knuckles: And.. action!

In Bricksburg, the large screen flickers before its image changes to show Lucy and Tails.

Lucy: (clears her throat) Hey, everybody. You might not know us, but we're on TV, so you can trust us.

Tails: Yes. Now everyone listen up. There's something we feel that you should know.

Lucy: We know that things do seem kind of bad right now, but there is a way out of this.

On the console, Benny then bring up clips of Emmet, which then play over Lucy and Tails' speech.

Lucy: This is Emmet. And he was just like all of you. A face in the crowd, following the same instructions as you. He was so good at fitting in, no one ever saw him. And I owe you an apology, because I used to look down on people like that.

As Lucy talks, her message is heard across nearly every part of the LEGO universe, including in space, in the  Old West, and even Middle Zealand, where knights read her words out on their scrolls.

Knight: I used to think that they were followers with no ideas of their own.

Lucy: But as it turns out, Emmet had a lot of great ideas buried deep in his mind. And while they seemed weird, and kind of pointless, they actually helped to bring him closer than anyone else to saving the universe.

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