// kris and tao //

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Kris and Tao:

" YOU PROMISED ME! You promised you would stay with me; you promised you wouldn't go anywhere without me; you promised you would never break your promises to me... Why did you lie to me? " he started venting out his anger, but then his disappointment came like a tsunami; he broke down -- his walls came crashing down. He showed the world his vulnerable, broken side when he clearly didn't want to.

I didn't want to leave, not without him.

I didn't want to break my promises to him.

I didn't want him to break down like that.

I wanted to be with him forever.

" You p-promised, y-you promised that y-you wouldn't l-leave me... " his voice dropped to a whisper, " P-please don't leave me, please d-don't go... "


Don't Go // completedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt