The Test

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So I was talking to this guy who was in my math class and he said we had a super hard test today. 

What? How is that even possible? The teacher did not say anything about a test and there was so much material that we covered. Luckily, the test is right after lunch so I can study during my lunchtime. 

In the morning during my classes, all I could think about was this test. How many points was it going to be worth? What specific subjects were we going to be tested on? How badly was it going to affect my grade? I currently had a C in that class. If my grade dropped, my parents would be angry at me and they would take away my driving privileges. 

Finally, it was lunchtime. As I opened my overflowing binder filled with crammed pieces of paper, I realized that there was no way I was going to learn everything in 30 minutes. I could not even decipher my chicken scratch writing. OMG, what am I going to do? I frantically panicked as I ate my mother's delicious homemade mashed potatoes. I decided to text my friends to see how the test was for them. They all said it was ridiculously hard and most of the questions were based on topics that were never covered in class. I

In the end, I gave up studying. I only had five minutes of lunchtime left and I wanted to use it to relax and savor my mother's cooking. Besides, if I end up having a bad grade, I could always ask how to improve it. 

It was time for the test. The teacher began class by announcing that we would have no test because it was the wrong one. Instead, our homework would be worth more points than usual. 

So I was worrying over nothing? Oh well. All of this because I was talking to this guy.

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