The Runt of The Litter

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in the outer atmosphere of planet Vegeta we see, Bardock, King Vegeta, and Paragus, breathing hard

battered and bruised, bleeding, but still able to fight a little more, and facing the full force of the Frieza force

A/N:" that was the worst unintentional pun I have ever made, please kill me"

Dadoria, Zarbon, the Ginyu force, all of them

these three Saiyans fighting for their survival of them selves and for the survival of their race is nearly on their last leg but all three of them charge up their most powerful attack as they are facing, the self-proclaimed emperor of the Universe, Lord Frieza

as Frieza come out of his ship with a foul expression on his face he starts to lift his right hand up

it was clear what was going to happen so the Ginyu force Zarbon and Dadoria fly away back to the ship as fast as they can

Bardock:" ( chuckles ) it all comes down to this, my fate, planet Vegeta's, our sons"

as he said that Frieza sticks out one finger, and starts to power up a death ball

King-v:" and yes "

Paragus:"( chuckle )and so does yours Frieza"

Bardock charges up a blue ball of pure energy capable of destroying the solar system in his hand

King Vegeta, get in position and shouts " GALAC GUN"

Paragus sticks his hand out and charges a yellow beam

All three of them:" WE ALL SETTLE THIS HERE"

 the death ball just kept getting bigger and bigger, before Frieza starts laughing and points his finger down, sending the death ball Flying towards them

they shout and all three shoot their respective ki blast at the tyrant




the three Saiyans kept firing with all they had but it was not enough, sure they were able to stop it for a minute or two but, Frieza's death ball was starting to gain ground, it kept pushing them back and kept getting closer and closer, to them and then their beam was broken, 'all our effort for nothing', they thought 

normal Frieza soldiers scream and beg for their dear life as they are killed in an instant, not being able to do anything

as for the three Saiyans who were fighting, they are eaten into the death ball, slowly dying, as the heat from it shreds their armor, piece by piece

while they were being eaten away inside the death ball, they see a vision of Prince Vegeta, Kakarot, and Y/N, all three of their sons facing down the galactic tyrant in a climactic showdown

King-v:" prince"

Paragus:" Y/N"

Bardock" Kakarot"

they say their son's name and all three smiles and ( chuckle ) leave the task of avenging the Saiyan race.... in the hands of their son's and successors


Paragus:" Y/NNNNNN"


the death ball keeps traveling faster than light speed at planet Vegeta, killing away, every Frieza soldier unlucky Enough to follow orders and fight

in a split second, the ball hit planet Vegeta, destroying the building in an instant, and borrowing under the ground and hitting the planet's core

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