Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

“Damn, how can they sleep like that? Talk about a major crick in the neck. Hey, Kendrick is drooling, hand me your phone.” Silencing the phone, Sawyer turned around in his seat and snapped a quick picture of his cousin sleeping with his mouth gaping open. “Sweet revenge for when the time is right,” he laughed as he handed the phone back to his brother and Decker couldn’t help but chuckle a little at the thought of Kendrick’s reaction to that picture.

“We’ll stop in about forty-five minutes to get gas and stretch; Kendrick can take over the driving then. Man, I’m so glad we’re almost there; my ass is numb and I’m starving. Part of me wants to grab a snack, but you know the grandmas will have gone all out with the taco bar for supper and I definitely want to have room for that.” Decker rubbed his stomach and laughed. He worked out religiously so he knew he’d work off the big meal and he planned to take advantage of their first home cooked meal in a while.

“Nah, man, I asked Grandma Judy to have a baked potato bar for our first night home. Damn, you know how they pull out all the stops on toppings; I plan on putting so many toppings on that it will be hard to find my actual potato.” Sawyer, with the same workout regimen and lucky genes as his brother, had no worries about eating a big meal; he’d burn it off within one workout tomorrow.

“You both need to shove it, Grandma Cindy asked me what I wanted for our homecoming meal and I told her it would be fun to make pizzas like we used to do when we were kids. Remember we’d all get a small pizza crust to make just the way we wanted it? She laughed when I told her and said, ‘I doubt those little crusts would fill you up now, but I bet we can figure out something’. So, sorry ‘bout ‘cha, it’s pizza night.” Zach had awakened and joined in the conversation. Kendrick stirred next to him.

“What the hell are you all talking about? And why so loud? How about a little respect for a guy trying to get some beauty sleep?” Kendrick grinned, knowing that he had been blessed by both of his parents’ good looks and needed no rest to improve his attractiveness. “Besides, I told the grandmas that I wanted a whole ‘Surf and Turf’ spread. Steak, chicken, shrimp, lobster, salmon. Damn, I can almost taste it now.”

A quick stop for gas, drinks, restroom, and a little stretching brought them to the last leg of their journey. The excitement was thick in the truck. True, the guys had spent their whole lives together and the last four years had been no different, but they were all anxious to be back with family and start their new endeavor.

To pass the time, they spoke of their plans. Decker, ever the task-master and planner, had insisted from day one at college that each of them get the best job they could get that would still allow them time to study and do their best. He didn’t force the others, but he highly suggested and they grudgingly agreed, to build up their savings accounts. Over the four years, the four of them had saved a hefty sum of money. Decker had advised them in solid investments and they’d worked together to set up spending accounts. Thanks to him, they were coming back home with a good amount of money to start their new lives.

“Okay, so we’ll stay with family the next couple nights. Then on the weekend we can move into the house. Monday we start work, so be ready boys. Be ready.” Decker was a mixture of stern and giddy over the next step in their plans.

As young boys, they had talked endlessly of their plans to expand The Center where many of their family members worked or contributed time and/or money. Before the boys were born, the twins’ mother, Libby Decker Morgan, began working at The Center as the media specialist. Later, Zach’s father, Nicky Morgan, took a job at The Center where he had spent most of his youth because his mom, their Grandma Cindy Morgan, had worked there as an administrative assistant. Zach’s mom, Carly, met his dad at The Center. Over the years more family became involved in the unique programs and setting of The Center and the ideas for making it even bigger and better grew in the minds of the boys.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2015 ⏰

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