Chapter 2

187 5 1

Tw: Implied SH (self harm) Implied anorexia

Shuichi's Story

Me and Ouma ran downstairs and my uncle was standing in the living room with a bag of Chinese food

"Oh, hello Kokichi. I wasn't informed you were coming today.." He said glancing at me

"It was last minute. Sorry." I mumbled

"Ah yes. As you can tell, Kokichi, Shuichi's aunt isnt able to cook for us tonight as she is on a business trip. So unfortunately i had to grab "fast food"" My uncle said holding up the bag

"And as i said before i wasnt aware you were going to be joining us so you're welcome to have my portion, I can go back out later and get my own meal." He added

"Oh no thats ok.. im not hungry. thank you though." Kokichi said sweetly

"Hm. Ok then, feel free to get anything from the pantry as needed." My uncle said before placing the bag of food down on the kitchen table and making his way downstairs to his room.

"You sure you're not hungry..? you didnt eat lunch." I said sitting down in one of the seats

"Mhm." Kokichi fidgeted with his fingers

"Can i go back to you're room..?" He asked

"Yeah i dont mind." I opened up the tray of food as Kokichi made his way up the stairs

Kokichi's Story

I ran up the stairs and into Shuichi's room.

I closed the door and sat down on his bed, i laid down and closed my eyes. Im exhausted.

I dont know why ive felt so drained and lazy recently

Ive tried to ignore it but im pretty sure people are starting to notice.

God i hope they dont notice i dont want to end up back in the hospital again.

Im fine

I really am

There's nothing wrong with me

God i hope Shuichi doesn't take to long i really need him right now.

I hug myself and try to relax

But i cant

Theres too much going on in my head and nothing going on around me

I cant handle this

I pinched my face until my skin went numb but when the effect started to wear off i started doing it again.

Shuichi opened the door and i quickly put my hand down

"Why are you on top of the covers weirdo." Shuichi said sarcastically as he came over to my side and pulled the blankets over me before laying down next to me and hugging me close to his chest

He leaned his head down into my hair and started playing with it with his hands

I start to relax and melt into his touch

He pecked my forehead with a kiss and mumbled words that i couldn't quite make out into my hair

I wrapped my legs around him and drifted off to sleep as he hummed quietly and comforted me.

I feel safe

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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