Blood...Lots of blood(1)

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Peter's pov
I woke up to the sound of alarm. Sun was shining through my window and it was warm outside. I heard other people laughing, which made me even more depressed. I sight and got up, it was another day of school. Everyday was the same as the day before, and the day before, and the day before.

But the pain was getting worser every second. I was tired and just wanted to sleep and never wake up. I heard Aunt May calling me for breakfast. I put on my hoodie, even tho it was summer, because i had to hide my scars and new cuts i did last night. I looked at my arms full of fresh cuts and sighed. What have i done?

You are so stupid, so disguisting.
Look at you, why are you even alive?
Everyone would be better without you, you should die. Noone would even notice. You're just a burden, you don't deserve to be alive...

I heard the voices in my head. I shook my head and ran downstairs. Aunt May was waiting on me already: "Peter i made you breakfast." she said and handed me plate of pancakes. "Thanks May." i said and smiled. I quickly ate all the pancakes with a hope that it might fill the emptyness inside me, but it didn't, so i went to school.

*at school*

I went to my locker to grab my stuff, when Flash came to me: "Penis Parker! Where do you think you're going?" he said and spit on me. "I have a class, let me be." i said and quickly walked to the direction of my classroom, but Flash hit me and i fell to the floor."You're not going anywhere Parker. Noone is gonna save. Noone even cares about
you. You should fucking die!" he said and kicked me to my stomach.

He and his group started laughing and kicking me. The bell finally rang and Flash with his group went to their class. I got up and saw MJ and Ned walking to me. "You're okay Peter?" Ned asked worriedly. "Yeah, i'm fine." i said. "You don't look fine, you have blood on your face." MJ said. "I'm really okay, don't worry." i said and went to class. MJ and Ned gave each other worried look, but haven't said anything.

*after school*

School finaly ended. We have holiday next week. I got up and slowly walked outside. Sun was shining and it was really hot. Everyone was wearing a t-shirt and i was sweating in the hoodie.
Fuck i should have made the cuts somewhere else. I saw Happy waiting on me and slowly headed towards him.
"Hi Happy." i said, trying to sound happy.

"Hi, get in the car kid." he said, he didn't look or sound happy, that was kinda ironic. And he didn't try to hide it apart from me. Honestly i felt like a shit and i just wanted to die. We arrived to Stark Tower, Happy and i got out of the car and went inside. I walked to the elevator."Hello Peter, welcome back." Friday said as i walked in the elevator. Door closed and i felt the elevator going up. After few seconds, that felt like hours elevator stoped and door opened. I saw Tony working on his new suit.

"Hi kid," Mr. Stark says "how was school?"
"Ehm yeah it-it was fine." i say and try my best to sound happy.
"You sure?" he asks.
"Yeah, really it was fine." i say and smile, but the smile is pretty fake.
"Okay, then." Mr. Stark says, but i don't think he trusted me. Then he shows me what he's working on. We've been working for few hours on new suit and we came out with some pretty cool stuff, but now was time for me to go home.

"Hey Pete, do you want to stay for the holiday?" Mr. Stark asks.
"Yeah sure, i'll just call and ask May."
i respond and call May. "Hi May, can i stay for the holiday at the Stark Tower? We need to work on few more things with Mr. Stark, it's only a week." i say.

I hear May sigh. "Okay Pete, you can. But don't go to sleep late and text me sometimes. Love you." she says.
"Love you too May. Bye." i say and hang up the phone. "She agreed." i say to Mr. Stark. "Okay kid, go get your stuff, i'll wait here."

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