Dreamtale Frisks

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The Frisks mentioned in the Early story are here:-

The Frisks mentioned in the Early story are here:-

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This is Princess Sun Frisk. The first Dreamtale Frisk with her hair blonde. She's here to give you a gift.


Name:- Princess Sun Frisk

Age:- 27

Parents:- Queen Anora and King Solar

Relations:- Error Sans (My AU) (Adopted elder brother), Fresh Sans (My AU) (Adopted 2nd elder brother), Geno Sans (My AU) (Adopted 3rd elder brother), Moon Frisk (Twin sister), Braden (younger baby twin brother), Sirius (younger baby brother and twin of Braden), Dream (Boyfriend), Nootmare (friend), Ronald (Elder cousin), Chris (2nd Elder cousin), Cassie (baby cousin sister), Abby (twin baby cousin sister), Jeffrey (Solar's twin brother and Sun and Moon's uncle), Clarissa (Anora's younger sister and their aunt).

Status:- Immortal after eating negativity and positivity apples.

Likes:- Ice Cream, chocolate, staying with her friends and siblings

Dislikes:- Too much fighting, people not paying attention to her, Durian Ice creams as she and Moon are allergic to Durian fruits.

Dislikes:- Too much fighting, people not paying attention to her, Durian Ice creams as she and Moon are allergic to Durian fruits

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And this is Princess Moon Frisk giving you cupcakes with one of her eyes revealed.



Name:- Princess Moon Frisk

Age:- 27

Parents:- Queen Anora and King Solar

Relations:- Error Sans (My AU) (Adopted elder brother), Fresh Sans (My AU) (Adopted 2nd elder brother), Geno Sans (My AU) (Adopted 3rd elder brother), Sun Frisk (Twin sister), Braden (younger baby twin brother), Sirius (younger baby brother and twin of Braden), Dream (Friend), Nootmare (Boyfriend), Ronald (Elder cousin), Chris (2nd Elder cousin), Cassie (baby cousin sister), Abby (twin baby cousin sister), Jeffrey (Solar's twin brother and Sun and Moon's uncle), Clarissa (Anora's younger sister and their aunt).

Status:- Immortal after eating negativity apples.

Likes:- Ice Cream, chocolate, staying with her friends and siblings

Dislikes:- Too much fighting, people not paying attention to her, Durian Ice creams as she and Sun are allergic to Durian fruits, Nightmare fighting and killing too much of people, negative feelings.

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