What a wonderful day or so i thought part 1

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*Y/n's POV*

My eyes slowly fluttered open as the sun beamed down on me through the window. I look over and see that Diana isn't awake yet, so I get out of bed and put on my best dress because I had a good feeling about today. I still had quite a while before I actually needed to be awake. I pulled a chair over to the window and brought my book and the vase that held the daisy. I opened the window and set the vase on the windowsill. Before I opened my book I stuck my head out the window and I saw jerry! I waved to him and signaled to wait. I quietly snuck downstairs to see that not even my mother and father nor Minnie may were awake yet. "Is it really that early?" I asked myself.

*Jerry's POV*

I had just arrived at the Barry's farm when I saw Y/n stick her head out the window. I waved to her and she waved back at me and gave me a hand signal which I'm pretty sure meant stay there. So I waited there then heard the door open. Y/n ran over to me and gave me a very big hug. "O- oh good morning to you too Y/n!" I say. "Good morning Jerry!" She says very excitedly.

*Y/n's POV*

"Good morning Jerry!" I said in a very excited voice. Right after I said that jerry handed me a beautiful bouguet of flowers. There were daisys, daffodils, lavender, and so many other flowers. "Oh Jerry it's beautiful, I love it! Thank you!" I said lovingly. "I saw them and thought of you, you know because your both beautiful." Jerry said in a kind voice. I could feel my face begin to flush red. I looked at the ground and smiled.    

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