What a wonderful day or so i thought part 2

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*Jerry's POV*

"Is everything ok Mon chéri?" I asked. "Oh I hope she doesn't know french!" I thought to myself. "Never better!" She says looking back at me still blushing a bit.

*Y/n's POV*

"Never better!" I told Jerry. "Well I must get back inside before Diana or my parents wake up." I tell Jerry. "Ok bye Y/n!" Jerry said. "Au revoir Jerry!" I said as I waved goodbye and smiled. When I said that I saw Jerry's eyes widen. I let out a small laugh as I walked in to see that nobody was awake yet. So I walked upstairs with the bouguet from jerry and added it to the vase with the daisy. Just then I see Diana slowly open her eyes. "Well about time you wake up sleeping beauty!" I said playfully to Diana. " Oh be quiet." Right when she said that she let out a horrible cough. "Diana are you ok?" I rushed next to her bed. She continues to cough as a yell for my mother and father. They both come rushing up the stairs. " Mother, father I don't know what happened. She just started coughing!"I said in a very scared voice." It will be alright Y/n, now go downstairs and get your stuff for school. Diana will not be going today." My mother said. "Yes mother." I walked downstairs and grabbed my basket and school things along with my lunch. And headed out the door.

*After a few minutes of walking*

"Why hello there sweetheart." I hear coming from a familiar voice. "What do you want Billy!" I said in an angry voice not wanting to deal with him today. "What, I'm not aloud to say hello to a beautiful girl?" Billy says as he gets closer to me. Every time Billy stepped closer I stepped back until my back was up against a tree and Billy was only a few inches away. He puts both of his hands on my waist. "Leave her alone!" I hear from behind the tree. "Who are you?" Billy asks as he removes his hands from my waist and takes a few steps back. "Jerry! Oh thank goodness!" I say as I run towards him. "What were you doing!" Jerry asks Billy angrily. "Calm down bud we were just playing a game." Billy said in a serious voice. "Don't listen to him Jerry! He's lying!" I said nervously. Jerry walked over to Billy . Towering over Billy, Jerry looks down at him and says "I suggest you leave before we have a problem. And dont call me bud!" Jerry says in a brave voice. "Alright, alright, I'll leave." Billy says as he quickly backs away. And at that moment I realized... I had feelings for Jerry.

*Jerry's POV*

"Are you alright Y/n?" I say in a soft tone not wanting to scare her after what just happened. Instead of answering Y/n wrapped her arms around me and began to cry. "Hey, hey it's alright. Your safe y/n." I said quietly. "Thank you Jerry." She mumbled into my chest. "Of course Y/n." I said while still hugging her. Then y/n stopped hugging me and wiped away her tears and asked "Wait why aren't you at the farm?" "Oh yeah that's why I came to find you. Your father said they had to take Diana to the doctor in Charlottetown, and that you will be staying with me and my family until they get back." I said. "So I will meet you outside the schoolhouse when you are done, and then we will go to your house to get your stuff. Then we will head to my house. But first we must get you to the schoolhouse before you are late." I said.

*Y/n's POV*

"Oh, yes we best be on our way. And thank you for letting me stay with you." I said. "Of course!" Jerry said in a bit of an excited voice. We walked together until we got to the schoolhouse. Once we got there I gave Jerry a hug and we both said goodbye. I saw Jerry smile as he turned to leave. "I wonder if he likes me too?" I thought to myself.

*Time skip to lunch*

You and the rest of the girls are sitting in your fort eating lunch. "So Y/n, who was that boy you were walking with?" Ruby asks. "Oh that's Jerry! He's our farm help!" I said excitedly. "He's kinda cute." Ruby says. "No, no, you already have dibs on Gilbert. You can't have Jerry too." I say jokingly causing all of us to laugh including ruby.

*Time skip to after school*

"Bye girls I'll see you next week!" I say as I walk backwards and wave at them. Then I tripped over a rock and somebody caught me. It was Jerry. "Oh! Jerry thank you, I should have been paying attention!" I say. Jerry chuckled and then said "That's alright, at least I caught you. Are you ready to go get your stuff and head to my house?" I nod as I stand up.

Sorry this chapter is so long I got a little too excited. But thank you for reading! Please vote and comment!

Secrets- Jerry Baynard X Y/n BarryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz