Chapter 5

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Reese and I were sitting criss cross applesauce on my bed, overlooking my room that was so messy, we couldn't see the floor. We had completely destroyed my closet trying to find an outfit for me to wear tonight, but everything I had shown him he chastised as too pink, too prudish, or not appropriate for a date.

It was severely annoying

Plus, it didn't help that I had been a nervous wreck all week waiting for Saturday to roll around. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect for my impending date with Rocky, because I'd never been on a date before. I didn't know what to wear, what to order, or what to do.

So when I told Reese about my predicament, he instantly agreed to help me.

I use the term 'help' loosely.

"Reese." I deadpanned, "I'm going to cry if you don't start actually being helpful." I told him, and his face softened. "I'm sorry!" He threw his hands up in surrender, "I'm helping as much as I can, you just don't have much to work with here." He pointed at my pile of discarded clothes.

"Yeah, because I don't typically go on dates." I snarked back, and dramatically fell backward onto the bed. He got off my bed, and started digging around on the pile on the floor again.

"You already rejected those." I reminded him, and he laughed, "Well, guess we're gonna have to go through them again since you don't have shit." He teased me, and I threw a pillow at his head.

I ended up picking a short pink dress with long sheer sleeves. Reese said it was too girlish at first, but then I reminded him I was in fact a girl, and he figured it was fine. Then I added the pearl earrings Rocky had given me, with white platform heels that had a dainty buckle around the ankle.

The minute I showed Reese the beautiful earrings Rocky had gifted me, he flipped his lid in excitement. I didn't have much time to gush over the earrings, as I heard a ding from my phone, and saw an unknown number had texted me, "Here."

I texted him back, letting him know he could come in as I finished brushing out my curls, and I heard a firm knock on the front door.

My dad wasn't home, and I made sure Reese stayed in my bedroom, instructing him that he could leave after I did. I walked down the stairs and when I opened the front door, I saw a very handsome Rocky standing in the doorway, dressed in an all black outfit. He was holding a bouquet of flowers that were wrapped in brown wrapping paper.

Oh be still my beating heart.

He walked in and gave me a once over. I felt self conscious at his burning stare, until he handed me the beautiful flowers. I smiled at his gesture. "Thank you very much, this was a very thoughtful gift." I told him, and he stepped closer to me. He took my hand, and I could tell he was examining my dress, "You look beautiful." He told me, and I felt my cheeks burn as I took in his compliment.

I went to tell him he looked very handsome himself, but I heard Janet entered the room. Oh boy.

Now typically, she wasn't a distraction. But Janet did not like men. She used to try and bite Reese when he came over, and she was better about him now, but I had never let a strange man near her before, so I was curious about how she's react. I picked her up and held her in my arms. "This is Janet Furter. My daughter." I giggled, as I introduced the two, and Rocky just stared at her.

"I don't like animals." He said after a moment, and it was like Janet knew what he was saying. She started yapping because she couldn't bark, and squirmed around in my arms.

"Feral girl," I scolded, as I went to place her into her pin. "Usually she's lovely." I promised, "She just isn't fond of men."

I didn't like leaving her in a crate, and she was so tiny most of the time she just slipped out anyways, so I got her a kids play pin so she didn't tear the house up. When I placed her down, Rocky stepped toward me. He placed his strong hand on my jaw, and took the pad of his thumb running it over the top of my cheekbone, seemingly admiring me.

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