Is this how it works?

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Loving someone who doesn't love you back is like hugging a cactus; the tighter you hold on, the more it hurts."

"I LOVE YOU," I whispered into the cell phone that was cradled to my ear. I didn't think he would hear me, so I wasn't surprised when nothing but the rustling of paper returned my open and honest expression.

An aura of silence hung between us on the line and honestly, I didn't mind if he didn't say something. I was pretty much satisfied with listening to his breathing.

The next thing I heard was a sigh, one that was probably the result of his annoyance. "Look,Deba," his voice thrilled me. "Main busy hu abhi. I'll call you later."

Beep. He'd hung up already.

Karan had always said he was busy and would call me back every single time I had tried to talk to him on the phone. He would never call me back, of course and the next time I'd see him, he'd find an excuse just to get away from me.
(My scene with my crush)

It petrified me to say the least. What type of boyfriend was too busy for his girlfriend? He never showered me with the love and attention girlfriends usually got from their boyfriends and when other girls at school would parade the building with the beautiful gifts that their boyfriends had given them for Valentine's day, I'd hide away in a corner, hoping no one would come to ask what Karan had given me for Valentine's day.

I wouldn't want to tell them that all I'd gotten was virtually nothing.

That would ruin Karan's reputation. I would be a mean girlfriend if I went around telling everyone that he didn't know how to treat me right. I loved him too much to do that to him.

"DEBA" My mother's voice jolted me out of my thoughts and I yelled a response back at her before going down the stairs.

Apani ki ekhana'o apanara homa' oyarka karechena?
(Are u done with ur homework yet)
(Mujhe pata hain yeh maine kiase likhi..i hope its correct)
asked me when I stepped into the kitchen where she was. Her short blacl hair which was in a bob swayed as she bent over to get the cake she'd been baking out of the oven.

"Yeah," I answered. "Kuch kaam hain"

"Yes," She nodded, piping some icing on the cake in swirls. "I want you to take this cake over to Sharma's. I heard his father is ill, so hopefully, this will make him feel better."

"Karan's dad is ill?" I asked, surprise lacing my words.

"Yeah. Didn't Karan tell you?"

Shawn doesn't talk to me much, I wanted to say, but I quickly bit my lip before I could blurt the irredeemable words out.

"How are things with you and Karan by the way?" She wanted to know when I didn't reply as soon as she would have deemed fit.

"Theekh hain," I lied and she ran her eyes over me, probably knowing that I wasn't saying the truth. However, she didn't push it.

She wrapped the cake up and sent me off to Sharma's house. His house was only a couple of houses down the street and in ten minutes, I was at the house already. They had a nice place. The lawn was mowed neatly and I could see some rose flowers in the rose bush that karan's mother had planned when Karan and I were sixteen. They were beautiful.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I rang the doorbell. I didn't want Karan to know that I was here, he'd probably be mad because he'd think that I came here purposely to try to get him to talk to me. I knew how such things ticked him off.

My thoughts were cut short when Samaira his younger sister, opened the door for me. She stepped back so I could come in.

"Debaa" She gushed, a wide smile on her face. If only Karan would smile this wide whenever he saw me. Usually, he'd just wear a scowl or a frown. He never had a smile for me.

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