Chapter Six

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C H A P T E R S I X - Remembering Fairy Tales

Sitting on the bed sipping on some hot chocolate that Elanor made me, she told me stories of her childhood, stories about her life here at the castle, and even some fairy tales.

Before coming here, Elanor had a husband at the age of sixteen. They had gotten married and from what she says, they were happily in love and lived in a cottage out in a town far away from here. She had been with child but soon lost it after only having carried it for one term. Then at the age of twenty, her town had been raided by a raid of criminals.

"They came in the middle of the night, burning houses and dragging people through the street. My husband hid me in a cellar beneath the floor and then he left the house. I stayed there for hours waiting for him to return, but he never did." She takes a sip of the steaming hot chocolate and then clears her throat, "that's when some men found me still down in the cellar and they assured me the criminals were dealt with. My home was destroyed and so was the village, and that's when they offered me a deal. I could come back with them to their kingdom and live there but I had to serve the King as payment. I readily agreed and I was in awe as soon as I got here, everything was so beautiful."

"How long until you found out... What they were." I was eager to hear to the rest of her story.

"It took me only a couple of months after Prince Xander revealed himself to me. He wasn't very old then and I often tended to him, sort of like a nanny. Then a few years ago he stopped aging as I kept on."

"How old was he when he stopped aging?"

"He was twenty-three." She gave me a soft smile, "he was only six when I got here, such a sweet little boy."

"What happened to him?" I question her and I notice her shake her head.

"It's nothing something we talk about around her dear," she pats my hand affectionately, "well, it's getting late dear and I'm afraid I shall have to retire to my room."

Catching her off guard, I wrap my arms right around her and lay my head on her shoulder, "Good night Elanor."

"Goodnight sweetpea." She hugs me back before getting up and shutting the door behind her.

I lay there for what feels like hours but I'm sure it's only minutes. Not feeling tired at all, I decide to go explore the library and find something to read. I was hoping that maybe it could help put me to sleep.

Pushing open the door, I was still in awe again at how beautiful and large the library was. The shelves for the books went all the way around the room and were at least three times the height that I was. Not knowing where to start, I decided to go to the shelf across from me. Skimming the spines of the books, there were some in languages that I didn't understand or had never seen.

One caught my eye that had gold lettering on the spine. Brushing some of the dust off, I read the gold lettering, 'History of Witches'.

"Witches?" I questioned aloud. That meant witches were real too?

Opening the book up, I read the table of contents and decided to read about the different types of witches.

Different species of witches:

1. Salen Witches- Witches born with the power instead of apprenticed. Most powerful out of the species, very few thought to still live.

2. Lunar Witches- Second most powerful witches, often help train other witches in the arts.

3. Raedor Witches- Least powerful witches, they are normally animal or nature caretakers.

Witches often live in the mountains or in places often left undisturbed. Often very peaceful and keep to themselves. Rare cases where some go rogue and are never heard of from again. Often these witches-

"Are you hungry dear?"

I jumped at the sound of Elanors voice, accidentally knocking the book into the floor.

"I'm sorry Elanor, I didn't here you come in." I apologized as I gathered the book off the floor and set it on my bedside table.

She smiled as she set a tray of food on my bed, "I'm sorry dear, I always seem to startle you." Her eyes darted over to my book, "Oh you found a book out of the library? Which one is it?"

"It's about the witches, I figured that since Vampires are real that I would brush up on my knowledge of other super natural species."

"A very smart idea, very smart indeed." She smiled at me, "if you ever wish to hear stories, I know some from what I've learned from my years of being here."

"Oh Elanor, that would be wonderful!" I hugged her tightly before letting go.

"No need to thank me, but it's high time you eat darling. I best be going so I can turn down for bed, goodnight." She brushed the side of my cheek before leaving and softly closing the door.

After eating the food left for me and slipping into a blue silk nightgown, I decided to go out onto the balcony to look at the night sky.

Opening the doors, a cool breeze greeted me as I stepped out on the stone in my bare feet. The moon was full and all the stars seemed like glittering lights against the blackness.

"Oh how I miss you mother and father." I whispered as I stated up at the moon, "I hope they have a sense of peace and don't worry too much."

As I sat there staring at the moon like my mother and I use to do, I hear music softly waft to my ears. After listening harder, I realize that someone is playing the piano. Looking down the side of the castle, I see the window to the piano room wide open.

Creeping down the hallway, I stand outside of the piano room holding my breath. I was nervous to see who could be behind the door. Besides Elanor, the few maids I barely talked to, I hardly knew anyone here.

Taking a deep breath, I open the door as softly as I can before stepping inside and closing it. I stand there facing the door and then I'm stunned as I hear the music clearly.

It is the most beautiful and also the saddest melody that my ears ever did hear. The swift, sweet sounds of the higher notes and the booming sadness of the lower notes. The notes create a story of heartache and sadness of whoever it was playing the piano. Turning slowly, I looked over my shoulder to see who it was.

Under the pale moonlight, looking breathtakingly beautiful was Xander. His hands ran over the keys at a swift pace and his eyes were closed as he poured his body into the song. I was mesmerized as I watched the muscles under his shirt move and his mouth slightly open showing the points of his fangs.

He leaned his head towards the piano as the melody ended and silence filled the room.

"Did you enjoy it?"

I blinked a few times and noticed his eyes were open but he was staring at the black and white keys.

"Enjoy what your highness?" My voice slightly wavered causing him to look at me.

"The song," his eyes bored into mine, " did you enjoy the song?"

He stood up revealing part of his chiseled chest through his unbuttoned shirt. He slowly walked towards me, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Yes," I said breathlessly, "I enjoyed the song."

He stopped a few feet away from me and his eyes roamed over my body before meeting my eyes.

"Maybe sometime you can play for me."

I bowed my head, "Yes your highness."

He placed his hand under my jaw, raising my gaze to meet his. His green eyes searched mine, for what, I didn't know. After a minute of silence, he withdrew his hand and left me standing there in the room.

I'm sure he heard my thudding heart all the way back to his room.


Hey guys, don't be mad that I took so long. I am sorry!! Had a lot going on this month and I finally got time to finish this chapter.

So what do you think that was all about with Xander? His strange behavior and how he acted towards Lena? And also, you will learn more about the witches and other things later on :)

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer!!!


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