Chapter Thirty One

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C H A P T E R  T H I R T Y  O N E-
The waiting game


I sat in my room for what felt like days on end, my mind blank but speeding with thoughts at the same time.

Would Ruby tell? Did I kill her? Would she kill me? How did I manage to do that? And what about what Xander had apparently done, did he really ask the council to annul his engagement to Ruby?

Bringing me out of my endless questions, I heard a soft knock at the door follow by Elanors sweet voice. I told her to come in and she did, then quickly shut the door behind her and locked it.

"Are you okay, Lena?" She looked me over with a worried expression on her face. "One of the butlers said you and Ruby were attacked. They're out searching the grounds right now."

I shook my head, "only Ruby was attacked."

"Well thank goodness, because you're just a human girl and whatever did that to Ruby could have killed you!"

"No, Elanor." I sighed heavily, "The only reason she was the only one to be attacked was because I did it to her." I hung my head in shame and waited for Elanor to say something.

"You did that?" She seemed surprised, "what happened?"

"I was leaving the dinning room when Ruby was screaming like a wild animal and called me horrible names. I didn't understand why she did, so I asked her. She said Xander had asked the council to annul his engagement to her and she figured it had something to do with me. I was so angry that she was calling me names and I told her if she weren't so ill then maybe he would want to be around her. After I said that, she yelled she was going to kill me, and she charged me. When she did, I said a spell my brother taught me, that inflicts pain and it worked and she flew into the wall."

I heard Elanor giggle and I looked up at her as if she had gone crazy, "why are you laughing?"

"Because of what you said to her. That mean nasty woman deserved it and I'm also proud of you. If you wouldn't have defended yourself, she probably would have killed you." Elanor patted my hand affectionately and gave me a soft smile, "I'm so happy that you're okay."

Laying my head on her shoulder, I could feel her motherly love. "Me too, Elanor. But what am I going to do when she wakes up? Is she going to blab my secret so I'll be killed or will she blackmail me? Worse, will she kidnap me for herself and torture me?" My voice rose slightly and Elanor shushed me.

"None of that will happen to you. Is there any spells that could give her a memory lapse?"

Now that she brought it up, it was a very good idea that I hadn't thought of. "I can ask Henry, hopefully she will still be asleep."

Gathering my cape in my arms, I snuck out of the castle and down to where Henry stayed. Knocking softly on the door in our designated pattern, I heard his voice on the other side beckoning me in. After shutting the door behind me, Henry looked me over frantically.

"Are you okay? I heard there was an attacker."

"Henry, I was the attacker."

His eyes grew large and he looked shocked, "You? But how?"

"She was mad because Xander asked the council to annul their engagement and she figured it had something to do with me. So she came at me and was about to kill me when I used that spell you taught me. Ruby convulsed in the air and flew into the wall and it knocked her out."

"Wow little sister, you are stronger than I thought. Not to mention, she probably is right about Xander." He smiled at me and I slapped his arm.

"That's grand and all, but now she's going to know I'm a witch! That's why I came here to you to see if there's any spells that might make her forget or something." I pleaded and I could tell Henry was serious now.

"There is some herbs that can make her memories a bit muddy. But you will have to put it into her drink when nobody is around. It's called Lockorn, and I actually have a little bit of it."

Henry went over to his desk and opened one of the drawers. After searching through it, he pulled out a small bottle that had a brown and green looking herb in it. Henry put it into my cape and kissed the top of my head.

"You will have to hurry little sister, so you can do it before she wakes up."

"How will she drink it then?"

"Just open her mouth and pour a little bit in and massage her throat so she will swallow it."

Nodding, I bid my brother goodbye and snuck my way back into the castle. I had to remain calm so nobody would grow suspicious of my behavior. With it being near supper time, I knew most of the staff would be preparing the food and cleaning dishes. Making my way to the room where they had Ruby in, I softly opened the door and peered in. Nobody was there and Ruby was still asleep.

Closing the door behind me, I looked around the room and spotted a pot of tea on the table. Placing some of the herb in the cup, I poured the warm tea into it and stirred it together. I kept stirring it until the herb melted from the warmth of the tea and blended in. Squaring my shoulders, I made my way over to the bed and sat by Ruby. While she was sleeping, she looked peaceful. But I knew how she was and I knew I had to do this. It felt very sneaky but I wasn't about to die at the hands of someone horrible like Ruby.

Opening her mouth just enough, I poured a little amount of the tea in her mouth before closing it. Like Henry said, I massaged her throat so she would swallow it properly. When I knew she had finally swallowed the tea, I let out a soft sigh of relief.

"What is this?"

I felt my stomach drop as I looked over my shoulder at Xander. He was holding the container of herb in his hand and he gave me a stern look. Opening it, he smelled it and closed his eyes.

"Lockorn." His eyes opened and I couldn't decipher what was in them, but it didn't seem good.

I was too scared to even open my mouth so I just simply nodded.

"You're wanting her memory meddled with. Why?"

Looking down at the floor, I shook my head and timidly answered, "I can't tell you."

"I asked, why?" His voice was angry as he asked me again.

"Please, don't make me say." I pleaded him and I could feel tears gather in my eyes.

I saw him soften a bit but I could still tell he was angry and suspicious. He stood there looking at me for what seemed like forever before he crossed his arms.

"You're the attacker, aren't you?"


Uh oh, what do you think is going to happen? You think Xander is going to be mad and turn her over or what?

And do you think the herb will work on Ruby?

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