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The King of Air told Maya that he was frightened.

Maya was taken aback, but only ever so slightly. She took a deep glance at the King— adorned with mystical gems and solitaires, and the finest silk woven clothes. He had all the wealth in the world to buy a protective army around him— how could he feel scared?

Maya wondered if it was appropriate to chuckle. But, the stern look of the King hinted that he was serious.

"Why?" Maya asked, making sure he sees that she was concerned- definitely not on verge of a chuckle

The King lifted his eyebrows gently, "you ask, why?"

Maya nodded, "of course. Why would you feel afraid? You're a King".

"I'm a King, not a God" the King of Air rolled his eyes, " and gods too get afraid from time to time, apparently".

Maya shifted her gaze to avoid awkwardness, "I'm sorry. I didn't meant for it to come out that way".

The King heaved out a sigh, "No. It's fine. I'm just jittery these days".

Maya considered replying, but, her small talk was not refined. She had nothing to say, and frankly, had none of the energy to continue on that conversation.

"I'm going out for a walk" the King informed.

"Would you like me to come with you?" Maya asked.

"No" the King stopped her abruptly, "No, you don't need to. I need some time alone".

Maya then sat in her bed, as she watched the King take off his solitaire embedded clothes and put on a simple silk woven uniform. The King was very precise with his every crease and every fold.

Truthfully said, Maya was in an awe- of how luxurious they made everything seem. Even sadness had its own grace in this world of wealth. 

That evening was supposed to be a private evening for the King and Maya. They were supposed to talk to one another, and find a partner in the other's soul. But it was evident, both to Maya and Serendipity that the King did not see any of that in Maya. 

Back in the tented airspace above the clouds, Serendipity sat in her velvet soft chair and spoke to herself,

 "It wasn't supposed to be this hard"

"What wasn't supposed to be this hard, My lady?" A voice knocked behind Serene, "I am all ears for you". 

Serene rolled her eyes at herself for acting jumpy- that too merely on the arrival of her favorite General Commander, "This whole event between Maya and the King". 

"Ah, so now it's just merely Maya?" The Commander dripped his sarcasm, "Yet yesterday, I was told to take the name of the queen with respect". 

"I did not disrespect her in my tone, Ruhan. She still has my utmost respect" Serene informed. She had answers; justifiable answers for everything. Perhaps that's why people thought that she could do no wrong. 

Commander Ruhan shook at himself internally; how could he have ever thought that he could argue with Serendipity? 

"So" He diverted, "What's been so hard?" 

"Maya." She replied, "It seems something else has taken aboard of her soul and heart".

Commander Ruhan frowned, "What do you mean?".

"It seems she has no heart to give to the King- either she killed that thing or lent it to someone else, maybe" She replied, "My one true plan seems to be hanging by a thread"

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