Chapter 3

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Katsuki was usually well reserved, he kept to himself the majority of the time. Even if he expresses how he truly feels, it is usually suppressed, and many details are left out. But for some reason, to someone he barely knows, he spilled out everything to the last word that he spoke that afternoon.

Deku couldn't help but feel overly invested in the story, trying to put himself in Katsuki's place. What would happen if his mate had done such a terrible thing? Would he be upset, or indifferent? Would he still be in love even if he was hurt by them? He didn't know. To be honest, Deku never really had to think about things like this, it was a rare occurrence for a mate to be this way in his underwater home.

"-I just think that maybe, if I did something differently, none of this would've ever happened. I just don't fucking know what to do with myself." Katsuki rambled. Deku couldn't help but feel a little sad at that statement.

"I think...that you did the right thing." The Mer explained. The Mer reached to grab Katsuki's hands and placed his tail on the squishy sand below rather than flipping it around freely. It almost looked like he was sitting. Katsuki blinked at him. Deku suddenly felt embarrassed.

"Uh, well I mean- uhm, I may not have a whole lot of experience. But I would say I know a thing or two about feelings, Mer people make it very clear to share them. What you shared with me, it sounded like it was very suffocating and painful. The relationship, I mean." Deku stated.

Katsuki listened carefully.

"Though everyone would have regrets or want to do something differently, I think it still needed to happen. It would've been messy anyways. But you shouldn't discourage yourself, you are wonderful, and you need to love yourself. Even if everyone else turns against you." Deku smiled.

Deku felt light fingertips dance towards his wrists before pulling him in. Deku's head was once again hanging over Katsuki's shoulder, his back suddenly having warm hands gently holding it. Deku was hesitant, being so close to shore, but he eventually returned the hug he was given. Deku felt the urge to give another flirty quip, but he kept his mouth shut.

"Oi, Deku." Katsuki muttered. Deku felt Katsuki's grip lessen, Deku backed up a little to see Katsuki's face. "Hm?" Deku replied. "Have you heard a ukulele before?" Katsuki smiled. Deku blushed lightly, "No, I haven't. What is a ukulele?" He replied. "I'll show you, stay here but stay hidden." Katsuki instructed. Deku nodded his head and started to back away from the shore.

He started to swim a little ways away, getting under a rocky ledge. Once Katsuki couldn't see him in sight, he ran off back to his apartment.

Deku, not even 1 minute later, hears laughing and something running right above him. He kept quiet, trying to keep himself busy with cleaning a seashell that was beside him.

"Babe! Slow down! You'll fall." A male human. "Oh please, you're a lot more clumsy than I am!" A female human.

The female giggled and Deku heard a 'plopping' noise. Deku looked up to see bare feet swinging off the ledge. Another joining them. "Remember?" The female asked. "Remember what?" The male responded. "We used to come here all of the time, when we were kids." 

"Oh yeah." The male responded. "That felt so long ago now... we're getting married soon."  The male reminisced as the female sighed. "It was nice we got this little vacation before then. Let's  go home." The female said. 

"Wh-what? But we just got here." The male sounded like he was wiped out. "Yeah, but now we've spent too much time here, plus it's only our hometown. I want to explore the world with you. How else would I spend my dream other than with the one I love?" The female giggled. They both fell silent for a moment, "Fine." The male gave in. "But promise me that the next place we'll go, we will spend a little longer together." 

"I promise." The female responded. Deku then heard ruffling and looked up once more. They were gone. 

Deku looked back down at the shell he was washing; he palmed the last speck of muddy sand that remained. The shell was finally washed of its dirty exterior and shined with its true beauty of the base being a pale salmon color fading into a darker, yet still pale, green hue.

Deku suddenly heard a beautiful sound. It caught his attention almost immediately, Deku curiously peeked towards the shore where it was coming from. Katsuki was there. His eyes were closed and his fingers were plucking at strings on something that Deku was unfamiliar with. 

Katsuki looked at peace while also expecting something at the same time. Deku couldn't help but stare at him, he looked pretty while also playing pretty sounds, he couldn't help it. Katsuki then opened his eyes and stopped playing. Katsuki then glanced in Deku's direction.

"Eh? You comin' or not?" Katsuki loud-whispered as he gestured Deku to come over. Deku blinked back into reality and started swimming towards Katsuki. "What were the sounds you were making before?" Deku asked.

"I was tuning the ukulele; did the notes scare you? Haha." Katsuki chuckled. Deku pouted, "No I thought they were you." He smiled. Katsuki had a blush of embarrassment, but of course he wouldn't admit that. He was told multiple times that he looked like some kind of model when he would tune his instruments; but the truth is that he just simply really cared about them. 

"I ain't cute Deku, get that through your thick head first." Katsuki seemed like he was in a great mood now. "And if you liked that, even though it actually sounded terrible, you'll love this. Now listen carefully or you'll miss it, nerd." Katsuki instructed. Deku scrambled and placed himself in a comfortable position which was conveniently lying his head on top of Katsuki's left thigh as he placed his tail under his right. 

Katsuki grumbled but accepted the position this time. Katsuki started to pluck at the strings until it turned into a nice rhythm. The sounds of the sea in front of them added to the peaceful atmosphere.  

(A/N he's playing Ukulele and Chill by Cody G. on Youtube, it of course has other instruments but the base is ukulele so why not? You can look it up on Youtube to feel the vibe :D Also good way to stop the chapter lol at school btw when I wrote the rest of this chapter ;-;)

A Breakup and a Kiss ~ Bakudeku Mermaid AUWhere stories live. Discover now