Chapter 6

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"Hi Bakugou!" the annoying girl waved her hand about in a greeting. "How have you been?" Katsuki didn't speak and looked at her with an expressionless look. "You seem to be alive, which is good at least! Hey Todo, why are you all the way back there? Come over!" The man with bi-colored hair inched forward towards Katuski's car. 

Katsuki finally decided to speak. "Hey Pink Cheeks, don't just go inviting people over to my house. That includes you showing up randomly." He snarled. The girl had a highly offended look sprout upon her face, "Well if you would freaking answer your phone, maybe I wouldn't have to show up without you knowing! Also weren't you supposed to be done calling me that?" she crossed her arms and puffed up her face.

Katsuki groaned in response. She really was annoying. "Well your timing is shit anyways, I have to go to work." Katsuki didn't even try to take the time to greet the other man before he started to roll his window back up. 

"Hey wait! Don't you at least want a coffee??" She insisted. A coffee sounds nice, but Katsuki doesn't want to deal with this all of a sudden. Especially with Candy Cane around. "Come on, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-" 

"Okay fine! Just shut up!" Katsuki broke. This really was an annoying girl. 


The afternoon sun started to lower from the sky, letting Katsuki know that his shift was over. He grumbled to the pair, "I can't believe I fucking let you guys use one of MY vacation days." he pressed a hand to his face as he gripped his Mocha Chip coffee with his other. 

"Technically you didn't know, I'm just glad that Momo agreed to it. Plus, it's not like you ever use them anyways! You and Todoroki are truly one in the same." the girl sighed. Katsuki's face twitched, "We are NOT the same." Katsuki corrected almost immediately. 

The girl sighed again, "Do you have something against Todo today? Why are you being so cold?" she crossed her arms to her chest. "Hah? This is how I always am, dumb Uraraka." Katsuki scoffed. No, he definitely was treating them more harshly than usual, but he couldn't help it. It just reminded him of... everything that happened. 

"You definitely are, don't act like you're not! We're your best friends, of course we know how you act!" Uraraka said matter-of-factly. This sent Katsuki over the edge, why do people think they know everything? He was doing fine on his own, he just has been talking to someone else. Why is everyone seeming more annoying than usual? He just wanted to see Deku. 

Wait, what? Why is Deku on his mind so suddenly? Surely it's only because he was SUPPOSED to see him today. Maybe that's why he's so annoyed, his plans were messed up. That should be it, right?

"That's it, I'm leaving." Katsuki stood from his seat in an instant. "And if you act this way; forcing me to do things, then we don't need to be 'best friends'. Let alone friends at all." Katsuki then proceeded to sip on the last bits of his coffee before slamming it back down on the table, "Thanks for the drink." 

The pair watched as Katsuki quickly started storming out of the cafe, Uraraka had a stunned look on her face and Todoroki's was indescribable. "Seriously, what's wrong with him...? It's so hard just to keep him around for a moment. He didn't really mean that did he?" Uraraka face then changed into a look of guilt. 

Todoroki placed a hand on her shoulder, "I'll talk to him, don't worry." he gave her a small smile. Uraraka composed herself for a moment and looked at Todoroki with a sad smile. "Yeah, that's probably for the best... you guys were always closer than I was. Just let me know if something changes okay? I have to get home or else Tsu-chan will be mad at me again." Uraraka stood up and started placing stuff in her bags. 

"Hey Todo, was I being too pushy today?" Uraraka asked as a finality to the conversation. Todoroki sighed before he answered, "Maybe a little too much, at least for one day." he said truthfully.

Uraraka smiled at him again, "Okay, I'll pipe down from now on. We don't want to scare him away again do we? Thanks again Todo, I can always depend on you to be honest." she grabbed her stuff and started towards the exit of the cafe.

Todoroki sighed to himself, he had to think of what to say.


Katsuki's keys rattled against the door before he dropped them. He heard the door of the cafe open as he picked up the keys, he looked to see Uraraka in a rush to leave. Katsuki huffed to himself, he might've been a little harsh.

Katsuki managed to get his door open and quickly sat in the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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