Chapter 03

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Ainz POV

I received word from Shalltear that Kurama was unconscious, this immediately brought me to concern and I immediately teleported his room. When I entered, I saw Shalltear had placed Kurama head on her lap and I could see the worry in her eyes. Shalltear had noticed my arrival.

Shalltear:*scared* My lord....

Ainz: Do not worry Shalltear, I am here now.

I then checked to see if Kurama had a pulse and I was relieved when I felt one.

I then checked his forehead, and notice that he was a bit feverish.

After I had finished his check up, I came up with a conclusion.

Kurama has basically been overworking himself and has been trying to get his mind off of Minami.

*sighs* Kurama has it really gotten that bad.

After finishing my thoughts I looked at Shalltear, who was still concerned and worried.

Ainz: You dont need to worry, he is quite alright, I figured out what happened.

Shalltear:*shocked* You have my lord?!

Shalltears eyes widen and quickly covered her mouth.

Shalltear:*shocked and scared* Forgive me for speaking so rudely my lord.

Ainz: It quite alright Shalltear, but it seems that Kurama has been overworking himself to try and get his mind off of Lady Yasaka.

Shalltear sighs in relief for a few minutes, but then gains a sad expression and looks back at Kurama in concern and worry.

Ainz: What Kurama needs is rest, but Shalltear...may I know what you are doing in his quarters?

Shalltear: Lady Kitana had asked me to look after Lord Kurama. I hope that is quite alright with you my lord.

Ainz: Mm...very well, then I will allow you look after him for the night.

Shalltear: I am truly grateful my lord.

Ainz: And Shalltear, I know of your feelings towards Kurama.

I then look back at her and she was a blushing.

Shalltear:*blushing* I uh...I uh...

I then raised my hand in front of her.

Ainz: There is no need to fear, I approve of you being with him, and relay that message to the rest of the females, when you have time, but know this if you dare hurt him, I will show any no mercy to any of you.

I could feel the fear coming off from her as she quickly nodded.

Ainz: Very well then, I shall leave you to it.

I then leave Kurama quarters and head back to the office.

Shalltear POV

I stood there as I watched Lord Ainz leave lord Kurama quarters. My mind was still processing what he had just told me.

He gave me his blessing, he gave me his blessing, he gave me his blessing, he gave me his blessing, he gave me his blessing!

I was truly ecstatic that I wanted to scream at the amount of joy I felt, but then I came back to reality and realized that Lord Kurama was still laying on my lap.

I then recalled what the cause was for lord Kurama distress. I frowned. To think that the man I grew to love had been in so much pain. It hurt, it hurt so much to see the man I love, to be in so much pain. Lady Yasaka, I promise to help ease the pain in Lord Kurama's heart. I will always be grateful to your teachings and guidance.

After I collected myself, I activated a spell that defined gravity and used it to place my lord onto his bed, I then place him under the covers. Once that was done, I undressed myself and also got under the covers. I was a blushing mess for I was going to be sleeping next to the man I love. I then opened my eyes and gaze upon my lord and pulled him into a hug and whispered to him.

Shalltear: You dont need to worry my lord, for you are safe now, for I shall never leave your side.

I then place a kiss on his forehead.

Shalltear: Please know that I love you lord Kurama and I shall do whatever it takes to ease the burden in your heart.

I then layed my head on his chest and fell asleep.

The next day

Ainz POV

Right now I'm currently trying to get the hand of using the mirror of remote viewing and am having a difficult time with it.

Just then I heard someone clapping, I look to my side and noticed that it was Sebas.

Sebas: Congratulations, my lord I knew you'd do it.

Ainz: Thanks Sebas, I appreciate your support.

Sebas: Of course, that is my duty as yours and lord Kurama personal butler. The soul reason I was created by lord TouchMe, was to carry out yours and lord Kurama's orders no matter how tedious they might seem.

Ainz: Very well, let us see what happening in this new world of ours.

Just as I was about to continue with working with the mirror, someone knocked on the door.

Ainz: Mm? Come in.

The person that entered the room was Kurama.

Ainz: Ah, Kurama. I hope you are feeling better my friend.

Kurama: Yes I am, and I'm sorry for worrying you last night.

Ainz: Please it quite alright. I'm just relieved it wasnt anything serious.

Kurama then noticed Sebas presence.

Kurama: Ah Sebas, please forgive me for not addressing your presence.

Sebas: There is no need to apologize, my lord, but may I ask what happened last night.

Kurama sighs.

Kurama: I was exhausted last night. It seemed that overworking myself had finally took it toll on me.

Sebas: Forgive me for worrying, but are you sure it is wise to be out of bed?

Kurama: Yes, it is. After I had some rest I was able to recover quite a lot I must say, but enough about me, please inform what is happening.

Ainz: Well right now I'm trying to see what is currently taking place in our new world.

Kurama: Ah I see, may I join you?

Ainz: Of course.

Kurama walks over to my desk and observes the scene with me.

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