Chapter 01

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Momonga POV

Momoga: I cant use chat or call GM!

Albedo: Is something the matter lord Momoga?

N: Momoga then looked at Albedo with disbelief as her face had a look with worry.

Albedo: Lord Momoga? Is everything alright, you seem troubled my lord.

Momoga: Uhh...

N: He couldn't mutter a single coherent word as he still couldn't believe a previous non living entity displayed such human emotion.

Albedo: If there is a problem please let me help.

N: Momoga then stumbled back onto the throne but he quickly composed himself.

Momoga: The GM call function isn't working.

N: Albedo then stepped back with her head down from what Momoga didnt know.

Albedo: I'm sorry but I have no answers, this GM call magic you speak of beyond my comprehension.

Momoga: Holy shit her mouth is moving! This is truly a shocking moment. Wait if I'm here then does that mean that Sora is also here? We were the only ones who logged in. *sighs* I hope he is doing okay. I mean he still dealing with the lost of Minami.

Albedo: I realize my failure to assist you is inexcusable I dont deserve it, but i beg for your mercy my lord!

N: Momonga then let go of his staff and as he does he watches as it floats besides him.

Momonga mind: The staff still works the same as it would but I cant use my console or call the administrators. What should I do?

Just then Momonga receives a call.

Momonga: Yes?

??: Aww good I got threw.

Momonga: Sora is that you?

Sora: Yes it is.

Momonga: Good to hear from you, but where are you?

Sora: I'm on the 6th floor right now.

Momonga: Alright I'll be there in a bit.

Cuts call.

Momonga mind: Good to know I'm not the only one here.

N: Momonga directed his attention to Sebas and without hesitation gave him an order.

Momonga: Sebas.

Sebas: Yes, my lord.

Momonga: Sebas, step out of the Great Tomb and patrol the surrounding area.

Sebas: It will be done my lord.

Momonga: Pleiades sisters secure the 9th floor of anything trespassers deal with it. Oh Solution and Delta please watch over Konou, and please inform Mileena and Kitana that there will be a meeting in the throne room in 1 hour.

N: The Pleiades and Sebas step out but out of the corner of Momonga eye he notice the smiles on Solution and Delta faces.

Momonga mind: Amazing they even respond to commands that arent even in the game. Still how is this even possible?

Albedo: Lord Momonga do you have any orders to give me?

Momonga: Except for the guardians of the 4th and 8th floor, I want everyone to gather at the area within 1 hour including the Pleiades.

Albedo: As you wish mu lord.

N: As Albedo walked out of the room, Momonga let out a breathe of relief.
He then called the staff to his hand and using it to teleport to one of the entrances of the area.

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