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haley is eriks sister and uh the rest of them are friends yeah i dont know

this is dumb please leave before its too late

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"Alright Erik, one more batch and you'll be done for today. I want you to enjoy your saturday." Jake's uncle said while frying some fresh fish.

"Thank you. I appreciate it."

"You seem to be quite happy, don't ya?"

Erik looked around.

"Uh.. what makes you think that, Sir?"

Jake's uncle laughed.

"You've been smiling this whole time!"

Erik scratched the back of his head in a flustered manner.

"Well, I'm going on a hike with this really pretty girl tomorrow. Her name's Kim and she's very nice and smart. Some of our friends are coming along too."

The uncle raised his eyebrows.

"Ah, I see. Young lovers. Is Jake coming too?"

"Yeah, he's even more excited about it than I am."

"Sounds like him. It's probably just because you're gonna be there too. You know, he never stops talking about you."

This statement confused Erik, but he decided not to question it. He then continued his work until Jake's uncle told him that he was done for the day.

At home, Erik played videogames instead of studying.

The day after, on sunday, Jake called Erik and asked him if he was ready for hiking later. Well, he was, wasn't he? Right? He only was the slighest bit excited because Kim would be there, but it was really just a teeny tiny small itsy bitsy little bit.

He got ready for the hike and made sure to put an extra amount of hairspray in his hair. At around 11am, he and Haley waited infront of their apartment building and waited for Jake to arrive since he was going to pick them and Kim up.

Fast forward to the actual hike. On their hike, everyone had quite a lot of fun. Well, everyone except Erik. Erik always hated going outside and visiting landscapes, so he wasn't having all that much fun. He looked over at Kim quite a few times and noticed how she moved flawlessly. She didn't seem to have any problems with hiking at all.

Kim and the others were walking ahead while Erik was left behind to struggle on his own. Kim seemed to be having so much fun without him, which made him feel bad. Also, Kim constantly talking to Haley didn't help much either.

After a while, Erik was deep in thought, not really paying attention to his every step anymore. This made him slip and fall. Everyone turned around since they heard his yelping.

"Erik!" Jake exclaimed, "Are you alright?"

He helped Erik get up, and the latter hissed in pain and held his knee.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Thanks. Let's keep going."

Kim didn't even ask Erik if he was alright. Instead, she just continued talking to the others. This caused Erik to be even more upset than before.

Why did she suddenly pay no mind to him? She liked him too, didn't she?

They continued with their hike, and Jake now walked next to Erik. He seemed really excited, almost nervous. Erik turned towards him.

"You alright, man? You seem nervous."

"Yup, I'm fine. Everything's cool." He said with a half hearted smile.

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