The Pain of Death

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Just imagine your last breath,

Promising your near death,

The sufferings and the pain,

The regrets and the disdains.

You're bedridden,

The agonizing pain spreading,

From one limb to another,

Your family is here, even your mother.

They watch you suffer in affliction,

Your family tearing up with depression,

Screaming and sobbing,

Eyes they are wiping

Because you will leave this world

permanently into the afterworld.

They'll cry for a week or a few years

Shedding thousands of tears.

Then they'll forget your once upon a time existence,

Your help and your assistance,

They'll move their way with their friends,

Remembering you're a tragedy with dead ends.

What will happen to you, you ask?

Pain will conquer your body and you'll rasp,

Until your soul is roughly conquered,

You'll still be screaming like a coward,

The pain and torment is searing,

You are screaming and withering,

Into the afterlife you'll be hurled,

A gateway to heaven and hell in the afterworld.

How will you answer god for all your crimes

That you committed just for a few dimes?

Will you live in a castle or a valley in hell?

In the hell fire, you'll burn and swell,

God, you're creator and sustainer is the best judge.

All your begging then will not even budge

For the time you forgot him in the world

Spending nights with random girls,

breaking his rules and taking god's love as granted,

Forgetting that God is the one who sustained and created

You with everlasting patience,

Watching you forget him and sin and dance.

He endured it all,

Hoping you won't fall,

Hoping you would recall,

Him all the time.

But, did you recall him all the time?

No, you were careless,

Utterly reckless,

Forgetful of the everlasting punishment

in the hereafter where you'll be sent.

What now?

You'll be hurled into the hellfire.

For your actions, god will be dire.

In the burning hell fire, you'll scorch,

The fire pitch black and dangerous than a simple torch,

In the afterlife, God won't sympathize with you

For your bad action, he will sue

You for wasting your time on earth,

Forgetting the reason why your mother gave birth,

Not for you to fool around

In bad deeds and then to drown.

Instead, humanity was born to please God,

Do good deeds and ask repentance when we've flawed.

Smart people are winners,

They are no sinners,

They worship God and follow his orders,

Staying along the borders,

When their time comes to leave,

They hope paradise they'll achieve.

In paradise, it's an everlasting luxury.

No mishaps or trials, just endless victory.

Unimaginable high rise castles,

You'll have a life without hassles.

Food, nature, comfort, whatnot,

You get anything that your mind thought.

So, which route would you take?

In heaven or hell will you awake?

Now is the time to prepare,

Worship God in your prayer

Before it's too late

When you end up in a rough state.

Trust me, everyone would forget you when you're gone.

They'll move on with their lives when they're done.

So, prepare your abode in the hereafter,

Don't be a sinner and a disaster!

Indeed, I'm just a warner.

Fine, don't listen to me, sir.

But, in the hereafter, you'll regret it

When God throws you in a fiery pit.

The choice is yours,

Not his or hers,

Which route do you wanna take?

In heaven or hell will you wake?

So prepare and choose it wisely,

Because it's all a reality,

Won't you believe me?

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