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Beauty is in all things, 

Even the flying creatures with wings, 

Beauty is in the blue and vast sky, 

Did you notice how the fluffy clouds smoothly swim by?

Beauty is in the water ever so blue, 

Even the rainbow that cascades the horizon with glowing hues. 

Beauty is in the winter when trees are covered with snow, 

Beauty is in the snow cloaking the meadows. 

Beauty is in the summer when you smell the flowers

Blooming in millions of colours every minute and hour. 

Beauty is even in creepy tarantulas and snakes 

That carries thousands of terrifying stripes and shades. 

Beauty is in roses that shrivel and fade,

Even in porcupines with quills that are sharper than blades. 

Beauty is even in the sinking sunset, 

With thousands of streaking colours in the sky, we'll never forget. 

Beauty is in the wilderness of the forest, 

Even in the venomous and crawling pests. 

Beauty is in the vast rivers and oceans, 

Like a rhythm, the waves run up and down without commotions. 

Beauty is everywhere,

Even the wind that ripples through the air. 

Beauty is in everything big and small,

Think, think, who has made them all?

Beauty is even in black and white, 

Like the night that is decorated with stars so bright. 

Beauty is even in you and me,

So never call yourself ugly, 

Ask yourself who made them?

All these creations much prettier than a gem, 

If you want to strengthen your Imaan, this is a way.

Think about Allah's creations, you'll see the ray. 

Beauty is all around us, can't you see?

Because Allah wants you to find him in everything you see. 

Islamic PoemsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang