Your Choice to Smile or Frown

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The faces you make tells a story, 

Scene after scene like a movie, 

There is a smile of love,

That soars above the clouds like a dove,

And there is a smile of deceit,

That's menacing and a cheat,

And there is the smile of the smiles,

It's from the heart wide and running for miles.

And there is a frown of hate,

That reaches every degrading level and rate,

And the frown of disdain,

Causing rage and pain,

And the frown of frowns,

That makes a person drown,

For whatever face you make, it sticks with the heart's core.

That's it, you can't go back anymore.

It messages out a story and makes you known,

One frown or one smile alone,

Can make a heart flutter or sear with pain,

You're choice if you want to make a person smile or cry in the rain.


It's scary how you can tell so much by just the facial expression. I don't know if it's just me, or others as well, but you can literally tell what's going on in that person's head.

 Remember, don't hurt people, once you make a face, it gets imprinted in the other person's mind. With your face and words, you give the public an impression of you.  That's it, once you make it, you can't change the past anymore. It's your choice to hurt or make someone happy. And if you do hurt someone, Allah can't forgive you, you have to go to that person to ask forgiveness. 

Smiling is a sunnah y'all, it's easy, so do it. Remember, reviving ONE sunnah is equal to a hundred martyrs who sacrificed their lives in Allah's path. That's how much benefit you get, and it's easy, so why not just do it?

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