Chapter 11: It's not what it looks like

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This story is all fiction and does not relate to any events that happened in real life (unfortunately) also I do not have any contact or connections with any of these people.

'Single comma'-Kamiya Hiroshi speech

"Double comma"-Ono Daisuke speech

"'triple comma"'- Takashi Yoshimura

<Kamiya Hiroshi P.O.V>

I walk out of the recording room after we finished the recording for one of my new songs. As soon as I walk out of the room I see Takashi-kun wave my way as he walks up to me.

"'good work Hiroshi"' he says with a smile and pats me on the back; I notice that his hand lingers a little longer than usual on my back and I shuffle my body to get him to let go.

'Thanks' I say with an awkward smile.

It's been about a month and a half since I saw Takashi-kun at the amusement park and found out that he's the assistant manager of the company I work for. We've been child hood friends since middle school and we always had a close relationship with skin ship but I feel like he's been getting more and more touchy every day we see each other. Not only that but sometimes when me and ono-kun are recording for the same show he not awkward...distant? it's not exactly that either, I can't quite figure it out but whenever he sees me talking with Takashi-kun he seems almost...sad. Maybe he doesn't like him, I wonder why he wouldn't like him, he hasn't talked to him much lately has he?

I get lost in my trail of thoughts until I hear Takashi-kun say my name and I blink my eyes to try and come back to reality.

'Oh yeah...sorry, I was thinking about ono-kun...'


The atmosphere around us goes silent as I can't believe the words I let slip out.

'umm, oh sorry, I didn't mean Ono-kun as in the one we know it's this aahhhh...character called Ono-kun...yeah he's this new character I've been asked to play and I'm just keep thinking about to play him cas I don't know what I should do and...yeah, he's this character"' I almost yell the sentence out in a blurred fastness hoping he'll believe the crummy cover up.

"'pfffttt haha, ok Kamiya-san we've known each other for agers I think I know when you're lying"' he says unable to control his laughter.

'I-I'm not lying' I protest trying to hold my ground.

"'right, right sure you're not"' he says in a sarcastic tone.

I feel my heart beat has picked up. I can't believe I let his name slip out, I hope he doesn't ask anything more of it.

"'oh yeah, Kamiya-san there was something I needed to ask you'" he says with a smile on his face and I feel myself gulp in my throat.

"'but I think we should go somewhere more quiet and secluded"' he says and opens the door that leads to the hall way.

'Oh umm...ok' I follow after him as I give in to his request.

We go out into the hall and he opens the door to a room I've never seen before and holds the door opened for me.

"'just in here"' he says while gesturing me to go into the room first and I do with a small thank you.

He closes the door behind him and suddenly the room's atmosphere feels heavy, I see him turn around and make his way towards me and I instantly feel the need to back up.

'Umm so what is it Takashi-kun' I say averting my eyes away from his.

'"well it's just about this Ono-kun you speak of..."' he says giving me a look of mischief.

I think I love you, OnoD x HiroC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now