backstory and info

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your name: y/n

favorite color: f/c

favorite food, snack, or drink: f/f, f/s, f/d

quirk Name: phoenix


you have large wings much like that of the pro-hero hawks, except your feathers have the ability to catch fire on command. normally your wings are white but once on fire, they have a gradient of blue to a yellow flame; starting at the base and ending at the tip of the wing (much like actual fire would). due to you having a flame-based quirk you have a natural resistance to fire but are more vulnerable when it comes to ice. due to your quirk being related to your soulmate's, you are able to resurrect yourself if ever turned to ash, this has only happened once after you were caught in a forest fire due to a quirk malfunction in your early teen years. 


resurrection can take anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 hours depending on how much you suffered before death, or how much energy it will take to reform your body from the ashes. due to your hotter flames being closer to your body, you can get first-degree burns on your shoulders and neck. 


authors note:

idk where I'm going with this for most of the story but there is a plot in mind so just bear with me 

word count: 214

from the ashes shiggy x reader soulmate auWhere stories live. Discover now