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Monoma found himself proud of the fact that he had hidden his omega status for years upon years. It wasn't that UA had anything against omegas, dear god no. It was his parents. His parents had been utterly repulsed at the information that their golden son had turned out to be a breeder? That was another thing, omega's...weren't the most respected. They were the lowest of the low, the role that everyone knew they needed to play. Breeder. It's natural, in every pack there needs to be a breeder. And every breeder, gets bred by the alpha's. There had been more laws that gave omega's more rights and freedom these days, but it would be easy to get away with a rape. Omega's naturally crave sex, heats as well, so naturally they all had to consent right? That was their place anyways, so who were they to refuse that role? That's selfish, he'll hear people say. Point being, Monoma has created such a high status and name for himself being a high,almighty 'alpha'. The fake identity of who his parents wanted...NEEDED him to be. If he were to ever be found out, god knows how many people would harass him. He's created quite a few enemies for himself...and his family. With that, it's dangerous to ever be known as an omega...
Especially since most omega's nowadays have mates and are claimed and older. Nobody wants a claimed,older omega. Which is why he's needed a mate so badly, but his parents want him to pair up, unconsentually with another alpha as if the alpha wouldn't find out...but maybe that's what his parents wanted. For him to be bred,have pups,keep the family line going. It's sick and demented but his parents were like that...
His sister, Himiko, had run away years ago...he knew where she was and who she was but,he wished he would have gone too and treated her better, stood up for her before she left. He never blamed her for the things she did, one of the things he hates most besides the prejudice against omega's is people who attack others based off their quirk that they can't actually pick or control. He presented on his 14th birthday and his heats have been...unbearable. Unbearable doesn't even begin to describe it, actually. It's not healthy for an omega to go so long without someone to spend their heat with, infact it could result in alot of health problems. His parents wouldn't have that though....
Anyways, his heats are always a pain, he usually blames it on rut when he misses school but since his heats are much more often than ruts, he's had to make up other lies.

Shinsou was clearly going to be an alpha. He knew he was typically a calm,collected,quick-witted and strategic person which would typically go more into the beta category but, while he rarely got pissed or showed his alpha qualities, when he did it was a total shit-show. He's only ever gotten pissed when villians show up or when filthy alpha's try and rub off on his friends...take Uraraka for example. They weren't exactly close, but it still pissed him off to see alpha's making her uncomfortable and generally just being horny dickheads that can't keep it in their pants for no reason. The catcalling was vile on the streets and it was just...idiotic in Shinsou's opinion. They had some type of social hierachy and omega's were right at the bottom. They had their own caste at this point.

His opinion on Monoma? He found him irritating and a migraine if it incarnated as a person, but he also liked him. Monoma was a very intelligent,skilled and overall protective person. He had really encouraged and hyped up 1-B when they were down, because deep down he cared deeply about them. He wouldn't ever admit that but he didn't need too, as Shinsou always saw right through him. He seemed to be the only one who could ever 'read' Monoma. But...that was mostly a mate thing? Wasn't it?

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