Chapter 3

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Money looked around the area before he parked his Excursion near the hydrant. He knew he wasn't going to be here long enough for a fire to happen or get a ticket. He spotted the Toyota Camry across the street and made a grimace face.

Money hated doing this. He despised it. He went against everything he stood for but he had no choice. The deck was stacked against him and he folded.

Money got out of his jeep and walked over to the Camry with his head down and his fitted cap low over his eyes. He opened the back car door and got in the back seat.

The driver was an old grumpy Caucasian male that looked like he watched too much NYPD Blue and was trying to imitate one of the characters. His suit was tacky, off the rack didn't even cut it. His gray hair was all scruffy and his five o' clock shadow looked like he hadn't shave in days. Money wouldn't be caught dead being seen with him on any normal day but unfortunately this man held his fate.

Grumpy didn't glanced behind him in the backseat just looked at Money through the vanity mirror.

"You got something for me?" Grumpy grunted.

"I meet with him," Money said.

"I know that shit, smart ass," Grumpy informed. "What else?"

"He hired me," Money said then lowered his head. "Hired us."

Grumpy adjusted the mirror to get a better look at Money. "So he came along?"

"Yeah," Money nodded. "But I don't know why I had to drag my boy into this. And second of all, you didn't tell me how he initiate people."

Grumpy smiled. "Awww, do I forget to leave that part out?"

Money lifted his head up. "That was real fucked up."

Grumpy turned his head slightly. "I tell you what's fucked up. You claiming you a hard piece of shit when you soft like Play Doh. You could have just took the time but you didn't. You bitched out like I and my partner knew you would."

"That still don't explain why I had to bring Dr..."Money was about to say when Grumpy put his hand up.

"Listen, spare me the melodrama about your little friend," Grumpy said. "If he didn't want to go, he wouldn't have went. Besides, it was needed."

"I can't believe I'm even fucking with you," Money said.

"Well, believe it, snitch," Grumpy said. "Just do what you're told and everything will be okay...for you...if I decide."

Money didn't say anything.

"I need for you to really do this right," Grumpy continued. "You fuck this up, I will fuck your whole life up."

"Stop threatening me," Money said. "I know what you can do."

Grumpy grunted. "You have no idea what I can do."

Money didn't say anything just stared at the back of Grumpy's head, mad at himself for putting himself in this predicament and worse, dragging his friend into it.

"Look, I always need a favor from you," Grump said reaching his hand towards the passenger side seat and picking up a manila envelope.

He flicked the item over the car seat into Money's lap.

"What the fuck is this?" Money asked.

"Special side project," Grumpy said with a smile. "But someone with special talents should be able to handle it with ease."

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