1 | lilith was pushed

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𝐖𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒. The kind you don't necessarily have to keep, but feel the need to because you're afraid that if and when people find out, they won't see you for who you are anymore. They'll see you as someone who you always thought you were, making it true.

And Lilith Morningstar had a lot of them. The first time she lied was in fourth grade when she told her father that it wasn't her who led the angels to rebel to avoid getting silently yelled at. The second time was when she told his mom that the reason the angel's room exploded was because of Amenadiel, and not her. Lilith never did get caught for that lie, but she figured down the road, she will. I mean, she is married to the creator of all things— spoiler, it didn't happen accidentally. And thirdly, every day since she befriended Stiles Stilinski.

Her father had been hassling the poor teenage girl all morning about the mission— the one she wasn't supposed to go on— and how she made him look like an idiot by doing so. She wasn't stupid, she knew the reason he didn't want her going. God didn't want her to mess up the mission. Though, she didn't necessarily think it was her fault, that everyone was to blame in a way if she was being honest.

And she hated being honest.

"Come on, don't you think you're being a little dramatic here?" Lilith said to her father, trying to convince him that what she needed was a little quality one on one father and daughter time, not to get sent down to Earth— where she didn't belong. She was an Angel for dad's sake. Angels and Humans don't mix well, it was a rule for them not to get entwined with one another for a reason. "I don't even live there and you're still ordering me around," the blonde had mumbled, folding her arms like a child.

"Lilith, the rebellion. Lilith went against my wishes. Lilith is to blame for all things bad," She mocked. She saw the bigger picture, why there were rules, but her dad was the one saying you had to have fun every once and a while, and to her, it was fun to break the rules now and then.

Of course, the man didn't respond, not that the blonde expected him to— he didn't respond much to anyone these days, believe me, she's tried.

Lilith got cast down to hell when she was thirteen, around the time she started misbehaving, and at first, she was really mad— hell, she still is sometimes— I mean think about it, two months on Earth is a thousand there so you can imagine how bored she got, a few puzzles and tournaments here and there, but it was nothing compared to California. People. Humans, she's never even seen one for crying out loud, and now she's supposed to live amongst them?

"I mean, you've got to be out of your mind if you think I'm going down there!" she shouted to no one in particular, she furrowed her eyebrows. She just wanted him to listen, to know that he's listening. and saying 'give me a sign isn't a very good tactic to get his attention. Of course, she realized he wasn't when she found herself standing in front of a school, clothed and looking like she belonged to be there. Lilith looked around, trying to find any clue to find out where she was exactly. Maybe her dad cut her some slack and sent her to a town she might fit in, or, and most likely, a town where everyone and everything she despised.

"no, you stopped to bake it in a little werewolf oven," She overheard the brunette beside her say, quickly grabbing her attention. She's heard about werewolves before, her brother telling her stories when she was little. But she didn't think they were still around, they were extinct. Supposedly anyway. "I'm sure you didn't kill him, maybe someone else with your abilities did?" She reached over and asked, confusing him. She was going to try and be nice, humans like that, right?

"with his what?"

"His abilities, you were just talking about it. Do you know what color your eyes mean yet?" Lilith stated seriously. She was genuinely curious, and for once not trying to start anything., though they just seemed more shocked than they were friendly. "I'm Lilith Morningstar," She smiled sweetly, trying to scare him. disappointed it didn't work.

"like the devil? daughter of God? real funny. you hear a couple of guys talking supernatural and suddenly you're a comedian." Lilith rolled her eyes at the mention of her father. Every time someone mentioned her, her father was mentioned. it could never be 'Lilith Morningstar: queen of hell' she was her person too and it should be acknowledged.

"yes, I just said that, did I not? And your friend didn't kill anyone. I'm sure there is a reasonable excuse why that busman is dead." Stiles looked at her skeptically before finally resting his eyes on his friend, sighing. "and if you did, it's okay. we all have our ups and downs." The boy in question looked even more pitiful than he did before she started speaking, now panicking, refusing to take his eyes off of the floor. Lilith didn't understand what he was freaking out about, so he has a flaw, it's not going to kill him like it did the driver.

"Lilith sit there and be quiet. Scott, you didn't kill him. Maybe it was Derek, you don't know yet."

"I don't know who Derek is, but I can frame him if you need me to!"

"Yeah, definitely, if it comes down to it, I'll give you a call." The buzzcut boy spoke, slightly concerned. He's known the girl for five minutes and she's already to risk her life in prison for him; which is saying a lot, since not a lot of people even notice they're there. Especially the pretty ones.

"Glad I could help you,"

"uh, Stiles— that's my name," He spoke, dragging out the last word.

"Stiles. I like that name," Lilith Smiled.

✰ • ༄ chapter one
no cos it's been a while
since I've written anything-

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐒 • STILES STILINSKI Where stories live. Discover now