2 | stiles and the case of his missing will to live

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— AROUND 15,000 PEOPLE DIE EVERY DAY GLOBALLY. On September 20th of 2012, 149,678 people that Lilith Morningstar didn't even know died, along with one person that deserved to have been able to grow up and experience the real world. Lana Baker passed away in what the police had ruled a 'homicide'— if only people could know about what lingered in their shadow. She wondered what life would be like if everyone knew that the supernatural creatures they read about in books and watched on television were anything but fiction. She wondered how many people would sell their soul for it, who'd make themselves go mad for a taste of euphoric bloodlust and power. There was a small smirk on her face when she thought about the people that'd scream and cry days after. The people who were only looking for a temporary high caused themselves to fall into insanity when they realized how it hurt.

Maybe it takes a dead person for people to realize they need to be more cautious when they leave their houses— don't get her wrong, she enjoyed torturing them as much as she could while they were in hell, it was a frequent hobby of hers, but right now she was taking a vacation, and she can't have fun knowing someone else is having more than them. "What are you doing here?"

The blonde had turned around to, at least who she thought, would be Stiles Stilinski. The two quickly became friends after their first encounter together, though he still has doubts that she is who she really says she is, but it was something she could handle— not many people did believe her, looking at her like she was crazy and she didn't understand why, maybe he felt the same way, maybe he just wasn't ready to come around yet, but he has to eventually, right? Lilith put on a smug smile, "clearly not having as much fun as she was." Lying in front of her was Lana Baker, neck slashed as the lifeguard's pole was impaled into her chest. whoever she pissed off wasn't messing around.

"oh, dear dad," The teenage girl spoke, turning her head away from the dead body, blocking out the smell as a disgusted look made its way up to her face. She's seen worse in hell, but they were still breathing and talking. "Did two little girls come out of the woods asking to play?"

humor was one thing that Lilith thought was her good quality. Sure, she was good at other things— dressing up, makeup, torture, you know, the basics— but humor? She was excellent at it and she enjoyed making people laugh, believe it or not. But with Scott's pack it was like they didn't have a funny bone in their body. "Alright, tough crowd." the girl sighed, turning her attention towards Allison, who she knew as Scott's girlfriend, "so, what part do you play in this?"

"well, once we catch whoever did this, i can do my eye mojo." She was actually quite proud of her little parlor trick— a trait she inherited from her dad, like Michael (yes, the arch angel), was being able to draw the truth out of people, and Amenadiel's was to reflect gods love. It can be tricky trying to explain to people, especially ordinary people.

"Okay, say what you do is real, what exactly does your 'mojo' do?" Stiles asked, putting up air quotes over certain words.

"why are you putting shit in weird fucking air quotes?" Lilith said, offended that he would even try and deny her abilities— so, maybe it wasn't a good idea at the time, and undoubtedly if she could go back and redo what she was fixing to do, she would, but you can't change the past— "it's about time I got back in the game. So, tell me. What is it that you truly desire?"

"i wish i could just stay in a dream forever," Stiles admitted, sook realizing what just happened, "you- don't ever do that again, do you hear me?"

Lilith rolled her eyes. It wasn't like she had a choice— okay she did, but he wouldn't have believed her and she really needed him to believer her, especially now that there were dead bodies popping up left and right.

"what was that? how'd you do that?" Scott asked.

"I'm Lilith bloody Morningstar! I do favors better than anyone else. Amongst other things, of course. Or at least, I used to."

"wait," Stiles had his hand covering his head like he had taken a big fall, a confused, shocked, look covering his face, "you're actually the devil? real life 'purest form of evil' devil?"

"well, i don't mean to brag," The blonde smugly said, a smile forming on her lips. She didn't agree with what the boy in front of her said— she wasn't the purest form of evil, at least that's not what she thinks, but to everyone else, she was. She was just playing the part; the horns and the glowing red eyes? those were just theories humans threw around to try and come with an explanation as to why they were evil, and some of them came close, but none of them saw the bigger picture. Why she was the she was, who made her that way, "that's me."

"is my aunt May down there?" Scott asks.

The girl looked up with a not-so-apologetic look, and without having to say anything, Scott got his answer. "one of my regulars, very stubborn."

And that's how the rest of the night went. Question after question being thrown her way; and she so happily answered them— she didn't mind. She expected them to be curious, confused, and even scared, so she was prepared, thankfully.

✰ • ༄ chapter one
not my best work
but it's a fanfic so idrc
take care lilith 🙏😩

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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